Present Encounters : Papers from the conference of the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, 1996

Mark JUSTINIANI Mark Justin iani was born in 1 966 in Bacolod City, The Philippines. He studied painting at the Un iversity of The Philippines at Diliman before joining the protest art movement ABAY (Artista ng Bayan , artists of the people) in 1 989 where he began painting murals and other forms of public art. He continued worki ng on murals and art with socially relevant conce rns with the g roup Grupong Salingpusa. Mark has received many awards, i ncluding the G ra nd Prize at the Seventh Metrobank Foundation National Pai nting Competition in 1 990. His work has been exhi bited in both solo and group exhibitions, and he is a member of the occasional but on-going collective SANGGAWA formed in 1 995. SANGGAWA's works Palo-Sebo and Sinning in the rain, as well as a suite of Mark Justintiani's mixed media works are i ncluded in the Second APT. Kamala KAPOOR Kamala Kapoor is an independent art critic and curator based in Bombay. She was educated at the Facu lty of Fine Arts, Baroda and Shanti nikatan, West Bengal. She writes for many I ndian and overseas publications and institutions and i s a former CEO. of t he Mohi le-Pari kh Centre for the Visual Arts i n Bombay. Her recent work has incl uded cu rating the I nd i an component o f t he '96 Containers - Art Across the Ocean' exhibition (Denmark, 1 996) . Kamala Kapoor is the recipient of the Senior Fellowsh ip in the field of Visual Arts from the Department of Culture, Min istry of Human Resource Development. She is cu rrently ed iti ng an anthology on the work of Nalini Malani to be published by the Goethe l nstitut, Bombay. She was co-curator for I ndia for the Second APT. Emmanuel KASARHEROU Emmanuel Kasarherou is Cultu ral Director of the Agence de Developpement de la Culture Kanak in Noumea, New Caledonia. He was co-curator for New Caledonia and catalogue writer for the Second APT. Anne KIRKER Anne Kirker is Curator of Pri nts, Drawings and Photog raphs at the Queensland Art Gallery. She trained in Fine Arts at the University of Auckland and at the Courtauld I nstitute of Art, London . Her special field of expertise is works on paper. Other i nterests i nclude British art of the early twentieth century and contemporary developments in the visual arts. She is author of New Zealand Women Artists: A Survey of 150 Years (Craftsman House , 1 993) and has cu rated exhibitions including 'Being and Nothingness: Bea Maddock - Work from Three Decades' (with Roger Butler of the National Gallery of Australia, 1 992) , '6 x 6: A Selection of Contempora ry Australian Pri nts' (touring exhibition to Thailand , 1 992-93) , 'FLUXUS and after... ' (1 993) , a nd 'The Power to Move: Aspects of Australian Photography' (with Clare Williamson of the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, 1 996) . Anne Ki rker was curatorial co-ordinator for Thailand and a catalogue writer for the Second APT. KWOK Kian Chow Kwok Kian Chow is Director of the Singapore Art Museum. After studying art and art h istory at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and the University of B ritish Columbia, he worked as a commun ity program admi nistrator for many years before being seconded to the National Museum . Kwok Kian Chow is the author of the major work Channels & Confluences: A History of Singapore M (Singapore Art Museum, 1 996) , and a regular contributor to i nternational journals and catalogues. Kamin LERTCHAI PRASERT Kamin Lertchaiprasert was born in Lopburi , Thailand in 1 964. He was awarded a Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking from the Silpakorn University, Bangkok in 1 987. Duri ng 1 987-92 h e commuted between New York, where h e attended The Art Students' League of New York and worked as an artist's printer in Thailand . He has held regular solo and g roup exhibitions in Thailand , and i n 1 995-96 h is work was incl uded in the exhibition 'The Spiritual and the Social : Nine Artists from Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippi nes' which toured Queensland . Kamin Lertchaiprasert lives and works in Bangkok. Kamin's work Problem-Wisdom is i ncluded i n the Second APT exh ibition . 1 48