Present Encounters : Papers from the conference of the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, 1996

Martin STUART-FOX Dr Martin Stuart-Fox is Reader in History at the University of Queensland. He has lectured in Asian history in Australia, and has worked in Asia teaching science, as an agricultural adviser and as a foreign correspondent for United Press I nternational, duri ng wh ich time he spent three years reporti ng on the Second I ndochina War from both Laos and Vietnam. He has published books and journal articles on Laos, Cambodia and early Buddhism. Vivan SUNDARAM Vivan Sundaram was born in 1 943 in Shimla, I ndia. After graduating from MS University of Baroda i n 1 965, he completed post graduate studies in painting and the h istory of cinema at the Slade School , London. He has had over twenty solo exhibitions, and cu rated and participated in national and i nternational exhibitions. He is a founder member of SAHMAT, an organ isation engaged in working for a modern secular cultural movement in I nd ia . H is work Carrier is included in the Second APT exhibition . Jim SUPANGKAT Jim Supangkat is an independent curator, critic and consultant. Born in Ujung Pandang i n Sulawesi i n 1 948 , he graduated from t he Facu lty o f Fine Art and Design , Bandung I nstitute of Technology in 1 975 and completed a post-graduate course at Psychopolis Art Academy i n The Hague in 1 979. As a practising artist he was co-founder o f t he I ndonesia New Art Movement (Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru I ndonesia) . Jim Supangkat has been involved i n cu rating i nternational exhibitions including 'Asian Modernism: Diverse Development in I ndonesi a , the Philippines and Thailand' (Japan, 1 995) and 'Contemporary Art Exhibition of the Non-Aligned Countries' (I ndonesia, 1 995) . He has published several books on I ndonesian art. Jim Supangkat was co-curator and local co-ordinator for I ndonesia and a catalogue writer for the Second APT. Enin SUPRIYANTO Enin Supriyanto is Art Director and Creative Group Head at Cipta Citra Advertising, Jakarta. He is a g raduate of the Fine Art & Design Department, Bandung I nstitute of Technology, I ndonesi a , and h is ongoing involvement with the arts includes regular contributions to journals a nd exhi bition catalogues. In 1 996 he was one of the founders of the LAWANG Art Foundation in Bandung , wh ich aims to promote and support cross-cu ltu ral art activities. Enin Supriyanto contri buted a catalogue essay on artist Marintan Sirait for the Second APT. Nicholas THOMAS Professor Nicholas Thomas holds a Personal Chair in Anthropology at the Australian National University, Canberra . On the basis of research in the Marquesas, Fij i , Aotearoa/ New Zealand , and other parts of the Pacific, he has written widely on Pacific societies and Pacific art. H is books i nclude Marquesan Societies (Oxford , 1 990) , Entangled Objects (Harva rd , 1 991 ) , Colonialism's Culture (Pri nceton University Press, 1 994) , and Oceanic Art (Thames & Hudson , 1 995) . His current work is focussed upon art and cross-cultural exchange in Aotearoa/ New Zealand and Australia, about which he writes regularly for ART AsiaPacific and Art Monthly Australia among other periodicals. Dr Thomas was a catalogue writer for the Second APT. Russell TROOD Dr Russel l Trood is Director, Centre for the Study of Austral ia-Asia Relations, G riffith University, Brisbane. He has lectured and given papers on Australian and i nternational security issues at conferences and seminars in Australia, Europe, Canada, the United States and in Asia. He is the author of numerous articles and chapters in books on security and foreign policy issues. Dr Trood's publications incl ude The Asia-Australia Survey (1 994, 1 995- 96, 1 996-97) , The Future Pacific Economic Order: Australia's Role (1 993) and The Indian Ocean: Perspectives on a Strategic Arena. 1 52