Present Encounters : Papers from the conference of the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, 1996

I just had an exhibition at the Hara Museum in spring. I made an i nstallation in the Museum. Fo r t he work Chamber of Recollections I covered t he whole i nside o f t he room with old timbers. Then I put some books and bricks in and I used a special ceiling light. For this exhibition I also installed the work Urban Ruin. These works were made up of by ashes. Of cou rse I didn't use any glue, this is just the ashes, so if you touch the work it becomes broken or something. It's very frag ile, but it's very pure. I made this same work in the Queensland Art Gallery. This time I found a dead tree. I took a root from the dead tree then I put the dead tree on the floor and sprinkled ashes on the root, then I covered it with glass and steel. So when I sprinkle ashes on the floor all the memories or h istory and love and time which were in the house are still there just as when the house was sta nding. So there are lots of meanings sti ll in the ashes because as I told you I think there is no border between life and death. 75