APT Bulletin Vol.1 No.2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Asia-Pacific Triennial Selectors and Queensland Art Gallery staff and selectors travelled extensively in the twelve participating countries in the 1991-1992 period. Many people aided, assisted and guided them with their task to seek out contemporary art in the Asia Pacific region. Artists welcomed them to their studios to talk about current issues and to show their work. Art and Museum institutions were very helpful with local and organisational information. This readiness to help focussed the intentions of the Triennial. The Queensland Art Gallery is extremely grateful for the warmth of the welcome shown and the invaluable assistance given to the project in each country visited. CHINA Visits by Australian selectors: October 1991 ,Doug Hall, May 1992, Clare Williamson. Places visited: Shanghai, Hangzhou Special thanks to Ni Wen Xiang, Vice-Section Chief, Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office and Zhou Chang Jiang, Vice-Director, ShanghaiOil Painting and Sculpture Research Institute HONG KONG Visits by Australian selectors: May 1991 , Anne Kirker. Special thanks to Hiram To INDONESIA Visits by Australian selectors: November 1991, Doug Hall, Alison Carroll, David ,W1ll1ams.Carohne Turner; July 1992, David Wilhams, Carolme Turner,Robyn Bondfield (Regional ServicesCo-ordinator, Queensland Art Gallery) Places visited: Bali (Ubud,Denpasar), Yogyakarta,Solo City, Bandung, Jakarta Special thanks to: Soedarso Sp., and Jim Supangkat. Also to the tale Dr Sanento Yuliman, Professor But Muchtar, Rector, lnstitut Seni Indonesia, Yogyakarta (ISI), Wagiono, Dean,Art and Design,Jakarta Institute of Arts (IKJ), Imam Buchori, Dean, Faculty Art and Design, lnstitut Technology Bandung (1TB) JAPAN Visits by Australian selectors: May 1991, Anne Kirker, September 1991 and 92, Doug Hall Places visited: Tokyo, Kyoto, Saitama, Fukuoka Special thanks to Masayoshi Homma, Toshia Hara, Director, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, and Takeshi Kanazawa, Assistant Director at the Hara Museum KOREA Visits by Australian selectors: September 1991 and 1992,Doug Hall Places visited: Seoul Special thanks to Professor Young Bang Lim, Director,The National Museum of ContemporaryArt Top The National Advisory Committee members with Or Apinan Poshyandanda and Mr Redza Piyadasa during the off-shore meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November1991. Bottom At a reception held by the Queensland Art Gallery at the Hotel Indonesia (from left) David Williams, Director, Canberra School of Art, Member of National Committee for Asia Pacific Triennial; Dean Wagiono, Jakarta Institute of the Arts (IKJ); Professor Soedarso, Vice Rector, Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta and Jim Supangkat, art critic; Caroline Turner, Deputy Director and Manager, International Programs, Queensland Art Gallery.