APT Bulletin Vol.1 No.2

Top TheAustralian S!lectorfor the Korean component, Mr Doug Hall, in Seoul, September 1992. (from left) MsEun-Ju Choi, The National Museum of ContemporaryArt; Professor Mi Sook Song, Sungshin Woman's University; Professor Young Bang Lim, Director, The National Museum of Contemporary Art; Doug Hall, Director, Queensland ArtGallery;and Professor Young MokChung,SookmyoungWoman's University. Bottom TheAustralian selector for theThai component, Anne Kirker, in Bangkok, June 1992, withartistsandAustralian Embassy staff. MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpurwas !he location for the off– shore National AdvisoryCommittee meeting in November 1991 Visits by Australianand otherselectors: March 1991, Joe Devilee; November 1991, Doug Hall, AlisonCarroll,Carollne Turner, David Williams,Joe Devilee,July 1992, David Williams, NeilManton,CarolineTurner Places visited: Kuala Lumpur,Penang Special thanks go toWairah Mazurki, Acting Directorof the NationalGallery of Malaysia, Redza Piyadasa,andalso to YeahJin Leng NEW ZEALAND Special thanks toJohn Leulhart of theQueen Elizabeth II Arts Council of New Zealand;and Bill Milbank, Director, SarjeantGallery, Wanganui,NewZealand PAPUA NEW GUINEA Visits by Australian selectors: November 1991, Ross Searle and Greg Roberts, August 1992, Ross Searle Places visited: Port Moresby, Goroka,Lae, Rabaul, Madang,MtHagan, Sogeri Special thanks toSeroi Marepo Eoe, Director, National Museum and Art Gallery, Boroko THE PHILIPPINES Visits by Australianselectors: November 1991, JoeDevilee, August 1992, AlisonCarroll Places visited: Manila Special thanks to ProfessorAlice Guillermo, College ofArts and Letters, University of the Philippines,Professor EricTorres, Ateneo University, Manila, DrNicanorTiongson, JeannieJavelosa, David Baradas,Cesare Syjuco, Didi Dee SINGAPORE Visits by Australian selectors: July 1992, DavidWilliams Special thanks toKanagaSabapalhy,School ofArchitecture,National Universityof Singapore,BrotherJosephMcNalty, President, La Salle College of the Arts and Kwa Chong Guan, Director, Singapore NationalMuseum THAILAND Visits by Australian selectors: June 1992, Anne Kirker Places visited: Bangkok, Chiang Mai Special thanks toSomporn Aodboon, Directof, Silpakorn University Art Gallery, Bangkok and DrApinan Poshyananda, Facultyof Fine and AppliedArts,Chulalongkorn Universily VIETNAM Visits by Australian selectors: August 1992, AlisonCarroll Places visited: Hanoi Special thanks to Professor Bach and to lhe staff from the College of Fine Arts,Hanoi The Queensland Art Gallery wishes to acknowledge the enormous assistance given by the Australian Embassles and High Commissions in all the countries visited.