APT Bulletin Vol.1 No.2

ASIA PACIFIC CONTEMPORARY COLLECTION TheQueensland ArtGallery hasannounced that itwill seek to purchase some works from each Triennial exhibition to form the basis for an AsiaPacific ContemporaryArtCollection. SPONSORSHIP The Galleryhas achieved majorsponsorship for this exhibition through the QueenslandArt Gallery'sExhibitions DevelopmentFund anda grant from theAustralia Council. Commercial sponsorship isbeing sought, allowing Australian businesses and firms inthe countries represented tosupport theTriennial and also to sponsorthe purchase ofworks for theGallery's newly announced Contemporary Asia Pacific Collection. Furtherdetailson sponsorship may be obtained by writing to theExecutive Assistant, QueenslandArtGalleryFoundation, QueenslandArt Gallery, P.O. Box 3686, South Brisbane, Old 4101, Fax: (07) 844 8865. THE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY The Queensland ArtGallery is the focal point for the visual arts in Queensland. Sited on the bankof the Brisbane Riverwithin a large Queensland Cultural Centre complex it isalso within walking distance to the city centre of Brisbane,Queensland's capital city. The State Library, theMuseum of Natural and Social Sciences and the Performing ArtsCentre are adjacent to theGallery. This development is considered aprime example ofgood design and recent technology. The Gallerybuilding is the winnerof anumberof architectural awards. Approximately half amillion peoplevisit the Gallery each year -the highest percapita attendanceofanyAustralian gallery. Many fac1l1t1es are available to the T nenrnal,mc!ud1nggeneroustemporary exh1b1t1onspace. Apart from the displays of the permanent collectionand temporary exhibitions, the Galleryhasconductedan international exhibition program drawn from theworld's finestcollections, including 'Kandinsky' from the Guggenheim Museum, New York; 'Japan, Masterpieces from the Idemitsu Collection'; 'The Entombed Warriors' from Xian, China; 'Leonardo daVinci: Nature Studies from the Royal Library, WindsorCastle'; 'Twentieth Century Masters' from theMetropolitan Museum of Modern Art,New York' and 'Gold ofthe Pharaohs'. In the past fouryears the Galleryhas initiated theexhibitions 'Masterpieces from the Louvre: French Bronzes and Paintings from the Renaissance to Rodin'; 'The Ceramic Traditions ofJapan: Master Works from the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo'; 'JapaneseWays, Western Means: Art of the 1980s in Japan'; 'Treasures from the Shanghai Museum'and 'Toulouse– Lautrec: Prints and Posters from the BibliothE!queNationale, Paris. TheAsia-PacificTriennial will be a highlightoftheQueenslandArt Gallery's international exhibitionprogram and has the strongsupportoftheQueensland Government and the AustralianGovernment. BOOK Ascholarly book with overview and background essays by leadingauthorities from each countrywill be produced. As the first majorpublication in the English language to treat the developmentof contemporary art in theAsia Pacific region, includingAustraliaand New Zealand, this will become a key reference source. CATALOGUE The Queensland ArtGallery will produce a comprehensivecatalogue illustratingand detailing theworks in theexhibition. CONFERENCE Amajor international conference isbeing organised in association with the Triennial to be held from 17Septemberto 20 September 1993. Leadingart experts from each of the countries represented in theTriennial will be keynote speakers at theConference. EDUCATION PROGRAM The Education Departmentwithin the Gallery places high priority onvisitors'appreciation and understandingof exhibitions. This is achieved through an active lecture programme, instructionaldisplaysanda workshop program. The programs are directed at many levels, including school children. For theTriennial theGallery is planning avaried and interesting Education program to involve artists in talks, workshops and videoproduction. A school kit is to be produced inconjunctionwith theQueensland DepartmentofEducation. LIBRARY RESOURCES TheQueenslandArt GalleryLibrary hasbegun a resource collection on the artof theAsia Pacificregion. Art Libraries from throughout the region are invited to join a Library exchangeprogram to add to this resource collection. BULLETIN ThefirstAsia-PacificTriennial~. published in six languages, has been well received. Copies of future .6..u.1.1.el.i! can be obtained from the Queensland ArtGallery. SUMMARY FirstAsia-PacificTriennialexhibitiondates 18September - 5 December 1993 Venue QueenslandArtGallery,Brisbane, Queensland,Australia InternationalConference 17 September -20 September1993 Special packages foraccommodation and travelarebeingnegotiated. For further information write to the: TheProjectOfficer Asia-PacificTriennial Queensland Art Gallery P.O. Box 3686 SouthBrisbane 4101 Queensland Australia Fax(07) 8448865 Telephone (07)8407333