Asia-Pacific of Contemporary Art Triennial : Bulletin Vol.2 No.1 1994

THE SECOND ASIA-PACIFIC TOF CONTEMPORARY ART RIE NIAL ' BRISBANE AUSTRALIA 1996' J E k i 1 i: }1 #-Vu ~ i t 1w --I~a 14 1~ 40J~!zi *~ 4TAlu J4 if -it A "L -*"' ;K 4T i-k A k 4 1] .1L Z 49 h~-Jy* 0 in El lit 1 1 T ' 1 , , . , Delegates from the Asia-Pacific region and Australian members €, of the Curatorial Teams at the International Forum PLA,Wt-iuc 4- A 4 ~L J 3 \ A \ EI. 4i PJ &iUuE 4U)~A X)t~ it 4)~ The National Advisory Committee and the delegates from the Asia-Pacific - 4, - - L.-._ c i . ' El - - region at the International Conference t i '1'- 4- 1 T i ' - O Q L1 - ,12 k h i- Jj a ) U C * J10 El '-~L 0 ;k~'qL T 3T 0 40 plf, Wit. 4~- 0 Rtit T —Jc ? 1Uc±JLEJI —J J A2Ut 4QM Delegates from the Pacific region at the International Forum J~ IC7 C-7 tE: " Asia-Pacific Triennial Project Office Queensland A r t Gallery ri P 0 Box 3686 South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101 AUSTRALIA Tel: 61-7-3840 7298 61-7-3840 7160 Fax: 61-7-3844 8865