Asia-Pacific of Contemporary Art Triennial : Bulletin Vol.2 No.1 1994

PR IF AIA Kamol Phaosavasdi (Thailand) Heri Dono (Indonesia) Game/an of Rumour 1993 River of the King: Water pollution project one 1993 In background Julie Lluch (Philippines) Doxology 1993 Interior THE OPENING sessions on the final day in which scholars, curators and art critics The Media Preview of the exhibition on September 17was attended reviewed the exhibition from a personal perspective and suggested by media representatives from throughout the region and Australia. ideas for the future development of the Triennial's concepts. The Official Opening of the exhibition on the evening of 17 The conference has been acknowledged as one of the most September 1993 was made by the Premier of Queensland The Hon. dynamic and significant art conferences held in Australia, breaking Wayne Goss MLA and the keynote speaker on this occasion was new ground and opening a new dialogue in contemporary art. His Excellency, Mr Sabam Pandapotan Siagian, the Ambassador Plans are underway for a conference to be held in conjunction of Indonesia. with the next Asia-Pacific Triennial exhibition in 1996. Amo n g s t t he guests were representatives from the Commonwea l t h and Queen s l and Governments, t he local business and arts communities, conference delegates and other visitors including senior diplomats, embassy and consular representatives as well as representatives from sponsors and the countries participating. THE CONFERENCE 'Identity, Tradition and Change: Contemporary Art of the Asia- Pacific Region' was the title of the associated conference attended by 450 delegates, including representatives from all major art 1'# institutions in Australia and delegates from throughout the Asia AA - Pacific region. Organised in association with Griffith University's Centre for the Study of Australia-Asia Relations, activities for conference delegates included attending a special Media Preview of the exhibition, the Official Opening, as well as artists' talks and artists' performances. The conference benefited from the presence of the large number of international scholars and artists who were involved with the Gallery in preparations for the exhibition. The conference included: four country specific sessions entitled At the Media Preview, His Excellency, Mr Sabam Pandapotan Siagian, 'Contemporary Art and Cultural identity'; four 'workshop' sessions Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Australia, unveiled a painting mainly by participating artists with specific topics including 'women by Indonesian artist, Affandi, which was loaned for temporary display in the Gallery's International Collection by the artist's daughter, Kartika Affandi, artists', 'indigenous art', 'installation as social metaphor' and pictured with Mr Richard Austin, OBE, Chairman of the Queensland Art 'religion, spirituality and cultural contexts'; and two critics' Gallery Board of Trustees. - - r ftAlt f I w :s' •1 K ak.5 Brenda Fajardo (The Philippines) Nguyen Xuan Tiep (Vietnam) Song of the Buffalo Boys VI 1992 The Cards of Life - Women's Series 1993