Asia-Pacific of Contemporary Art Triennial : Bulletin Vol.2 No.1 1994

k JRV rir Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook (Thailand) Bohn-Chang Koo (South Korea) In the beginning 1991 purchased for Girl says, 'There is always the nighttime' 1993 The Kenneth and Yasuko Myer Collection PUBLIC PROGRAMS audiences of static traditional art, presenting the exciting and A comprehensive education program of interpretive activities, dynamic contemporary art of the region and the influences upon it. conducted throughout the exhibition, enhanced understanding and Edited by Dr Caroline Turner, Deputy Director of the Queensland appreciation of works on display and of the social and cultural Art Gallery and featuring essays by leading authorities within the background of the region. countries documented, the publication is the first English language These activities included a resource kit produced by the book to d o c ume n t t he c on t empo r a r y a r t of Asia and the Department of Education, Queensland, in collaboration with the Pacific region. Gallery, which was distributed to all Queensland schools; a film The First Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary A r t catalogue festival of documentary and feature films from the region; a records the exhibition illustrating the work of each of the seventy- program of performances by performance artists represented in the six artists participating with brief biographical information on the Triennial as well as performances by the Brisbane Festival Quartet artists. An illustrated supplement records the performances and of musical works by contemporary composers of the region; Family site-specific installations that occurred during the Triennial. The Sundays, a new multi-disciplinary program of activities embracing catalogue won a Council of Australian Museums Association visual arts, dance, story telling, music, film and video, for young Publication Award in December 1993. people and their families; artists' talks by artists represented in Books and catalogues may be ordered on the attached the exhibition; public lectures on social, cultural and political order form. issues related to the region; and a special Community Open Day ASIA-PACIFIC DATABASE for the local communities of the countries involved. The Queensland Art Gallery Library has developed its publications An introductory video was produced for screening throughout exchange program to include libraries and art institutions through- the exhibition in the Gallery Lecture Theatre. out the Asia-Pacific region, distributing copies of the catalogue and information on the book and video to 68 Australian and DOCUMENTARY VIDEO international exchange partners. The Queensland Art Gallery co-produced with the Australian The library is currently developing an extensive database on Broadcasting Corporation a one-hour documentary entitled Asia-Pacific contemporary art, it is planned to make this database Out of the Shadows which was broadcast throughout Australia. accessible to external users via AARNET (Australian Acadamic and Providing a broad overview of the artists and artworks of the region, Research Network) and via the Internet. The Gallery also plans to the program includes interviews with many of the artists and extend the database to visual records and entries via a CD-Rom scholars involved in the exhibition. public access computer data bank of images and text on Asia- Copies of the video may be ordered on the attached form. Pacific art and artists. Artists are invited to send slides of works and copies of their PUBLICATIONS Curriculum Vitae for inclusion on the database to: Published by University of Queensland Press in association with Asia-Pacific Database the Gallery, Tradition and Change: Contemporary A r t in Asia and Queensland Art Gallery Library the Pacific challenges the stereotypes often held by Western P 0 Box 3686, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101 AUSTRALIA 1-57 1HEM KI ~m Robyn Kahukiwa (New Zealand) Tihe mauri ora (lam here) 1990 Li Lei (China) tact as a Sun Bird 1989