Asia-Pacific of Contemporary Art Triennial : Bulletin Vol.2 No.1 1994

---------------- of tip AW Choi Yan-Chi (Hong Kong) Drowned III - Swimming in the dark 1993 Bul Lee (South Korea) Fish 1993 WHAT THE CRITICS SAID: "The first chance Australians (and any Western audience) had ever had to "This challenging exhibition has "bulldozed" contemporary art from the get an overview of what Asian artists were doing." Asia-Pacific region onto the world arena." - Stephanie Britton - Apinan Poshynanda Art/ink, Vol 13, No. 3&4 Bangkok Post November 4, 1993 "The Triennial is the most important exhibition of recent art to be shown in "Those of us who were in Brisbane last week came away feeling that we had Australia for a long time." been privileged to have been part of a historic cultural event for both - Joanna Mendelssohn Australia and Asia." The Bulletin, 12 October 1993 - Redza Piyadasa Malaysian Business Times, 25 September 1993 "Asian modernism has been exciting and authentic all along. We were just "I sincerely hope that this Triennial will continue to be a dynamic forum for too arrogant to see i t . " - George Petelin Australia and Asian nations to, unconfined by the conventional framework, The Weekend Australian, 1 September 1993 seek to create a new reality with their own hands." - Shigeo Toya "This exhibition has already opened lines of dialogue in the region, Mainichi Shimbun (Japan), 18 November 1993 providing a focus for the development of a critical framework to deal with the "In view of the attention paid by critics and international observers, it cannot extraordinary diversity, layers, shades and tones of all voices resonating be denied that the Brisbane Triennial has become a new forum. This from within and ricocheting across this rapidly developing geographical indicates a reversal of direction - a new move toward decentralization in the construct." development of world contemporary art." - Linda Wallace - Jim Supangkat Art+Text 47, January 1994 Tempo (Indonesia), 16 October 1993 "The Asia-Pacific Triennial is devoted to living art and practising artists and, " . . . a world coup in this, the first of three triennial exhibitions.. .The Asia- in the effort to respond to the challenge of the Triennial, the museum opened Pacific region owes a debt of gratitude to the Queensland Art Gallery . . " itself up to contemporary art, artists and the public in a manner exemplary - Alan Goodall of the best contributions contemporary museums in this country make to The Japan Times (Tokyo), 20 October 1993 continuing cultural dialogue. It was an impressive achievement." "With the participation of twelve countries and territories, the first Asia- - Julie Ewington Pacific Triennial held at the Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane, Australia, Art and AsiaPacific, Vol. 1, No.2 1994 from September to December 1993, constitutes a remarkable event in the "In retrospect, the Triennial was not only a first-of-its-kind exhibition: it was art life of the region." - DuongTuong also a convergence of some of the top critics and curators from the Vietnam N e w s (Hanoi), 24 October 1993 participating countries who came for a three-day symposium to spark what promises to be a continuing dialogue - a new internationalism in the works "One of the most important contemporary art events of the year, the Triennial - at least till the end of this century. Brisbane has done their Asian promises to develop into an exceptional exhibition." neighbours a great service by making them realise how much they know - Ian Findlay-Brown about Western artistic-cultural traditions, so little about one another's." Editorial, Asian Art News (Hong Kong), - Emmanuel Torres November/December 1993 Art and AsiaPacific, Vol.1, No.2 1994 t : let- John Cattapan (Australia) Woden Waiting 1992-93 Heri uono (Indonesia) I n c c n a i r 1 i J - penrormance September 1993 Queensland Art Gallery