Asia-Pacific of Contemporary Art Triennial : Bulletin Vol.2 No.1 1994

u u i e g d t e s from the Asia-Pacific region and Australian members of the Curatorial Teams at the International Forum H' Ar11 J$' \ Participants in the ASEAN Curatorial Forum which was held in Queensland Art Gallery staff with artists and lecturers in Bandung, following the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 'Unity in Diversity' Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia R E G I S T E R Y O U R I N T E R E S T Title Given name Family name I wish to receive further information on: i i 1996 Asia-Pacific Triennial Conference Position U 27 - 30 September 1996 F] Pre-ordering the 1996 Asia-Pacific Triennial Catalogue Organisation Purchasing the 1993 Asia-Pacific Triennial Catalogue Order form is available Mailing address Purchasing the book 'Tradition and Change: Contemporary Art of Asia and the Pacific' Order form is available P u r c h a s i n g t h e 1 9 9 3 A P T v i d e o ' O u t o f t h e Shadows' Order form is available Telephone Facsimile