Asia-Pacific of Contemporary Art Triennial : Bulletin Vol.2 No.1 1994

fluni"vouqW V W I I V IV I b, -Ch -Qk W ICA wwwA' lannaint1whyn4hHOU l UYt11flIfli 2534 lL1fl Ross Searle Lift Greg Roberts 'uLOu A.WFW 2535 ltLfl Ross Searle 1. 1. 2534-35 ait a n i A 'l1 iaulufl Port Moresby, Goroka, Lae, Rabaul, Madang, Mt. Hagen Uft m L f 1 L L i Sogerl Seroi Marepo Eoe, Director, National Museum and Art Gallery, ii l t h 1 L W f f I l f l J 9 1 LL1071.11 Boroko V wk 1 i 0 a L r n i u flth14 f1U1 2534 l U f l Joe Devilee 60 4X dCh 60 IUADUAVINJ 2535 lLL11 Alison Carroll anlA 11doliaulftwifl, Manila U t A . L Professor Alice Guillermo, Professor Eric Torres, Dr Nicanor Tiongson, Jeannie Javelosa, David Baradas, Cesare Syjuco, Didi Dee LLi: Malen ni $'riintj Modesto Ltth' dutyloqu 1 0 UfrfUJWoJ 2535 lLLfl David Williams 2534 O Doug Hall LLIiIIJ L m F O J Kananga Sabapathy, School of Architecture, National University 2535 1ii Clare Williamson of Singapore, Brother Joseph McNally, President, La Salle College of Arts LLZZ w J ' l i I ü i ' l . t n Shanghai 1Li Hangzhou Kwa Chong Guan, Director, Singapore National Museum INUqUMONLA NI Wen Xiang, Vice-Section Chief, Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office La Zhou Chang Jiang, Vice-Director, Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture IUADLIWOM 2535 1Ln Anne Kirker Research Institute liO1 9 1 1 I i n 1 t n flhL1'fl LLa5U4'h12 u o i p iwnnj tit i ' r n n k i athn 2534 lt1fl Anne Kirker l. O T h 1 I fl1W1 O f l 1 l 1ifl5OJ W11Y1fltJ U L Hiram To 11trnirn IUAD041011FIN 2535 l L f l Alison Carroll 2534 ltLfl Doug Hall, Alison lftfl Hanoi Carroll, David Williams, Caroline Turner 1l4 UI5flJ1fOJ 2535 lUfl David Williams, t O U f O * U L Professor Bach L1FIo iwui9inn College of Fine Arts, Hanoi LLa Caroline Turner, Robyn Bondfleld Nguyen Quan a f l I J 11t lfllLLfl Bali (Ubud, Denpasar), Yogyakarta, Solo City, Bandung, Jakarta t I I I U O L 1 L Soedarso Sp. ktat Jim Supangkat viaam Dr. Sanento Yuliman wo LLl Professor But Muchtar, Rector, Institute Seni lndonesia,Yogkarta (ISI), Wagiono, Dean, Art and Design, Jakarta Institute of Arts (IK)), Iman Buchori, Dean, Faculty of Art and Design, Institute Technology Bandung )ffB), Dola Rosa, Jakarta Institute of Arts (IKJ) Cu 2534 lLLfl Anne Kirker 11l1tfltJ14 2534 1L 2535 lLLf1 Doug Hall ni 1 1 0 n 1 1 n Tokyo, Kyoto, Saitama, Fukuoka o u o a L 1 Masayoshi Homma, Toshio Hara, Director, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art aar. Takeshi Kanazawa, Assistant Director of the Hara Museum In1i 2534 1LI 2535 1L1f1 Doug Hall a011J 111iiuliin Seoul Professor Young Bang Lim, Director LUir. Miss Eun-Ju Choi, The National Museum of Contemporary Art 2J1I8LB Kuala Lumpur otn1 u'haou WMP~14_N-w 11 'r)J) kUfl1l Gareth [vans 'ivriN 1tfl1UU 2534 H t h ' n n i i u lUJiWlflh1'U1ffifHJ Santiago Bose iiithi 2534 l U f l Joe Devilee 1 1 Y q n i t n 1 2534 Doug Hall, Alison Carroll, Caroline Turner, David Williams, Joe IMa *40 VOILOR IJL Ali Devilee IUADUMlIft 2535 'lLLfl David Williams, Neil Manton, Caroline Turnerle n o fl afll'J 11Iirn41LLfl Kuala Lumpur, Penang Ics 1t11T1JTtflni&Hit u n L t Wairah Marzukl, Acting Director of the National Gallery of L L m J . ' 5 1 1 t h 1 W L ll-LLtJ1 Malasia, Redza Piyadasa L1ti Yeoh Jin Leng U t 1 ] 1 F f l IthffiJ Project Officer U O L L John Leuthart L%14 Queen Elizabeth 1 Arts Council of New Queensland Art Gallery Zealand aft Bill Milbank, Director, Sarjeant Gallery, Wangunui, New Zealand P.O. Box 3686, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101 AUSTRALIA TM615 61-7-844 8865