Asia-Pacific of Contemporary Art Triennial : Bulletin Vol.2 No.1 1994

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Asia-Pacific Triennial Selectors and Queensland Art Gallery staff PAPUA NEW GUINEA and selectors travelled extensively in the participating countries in Visits by Australian selectors: November 1991, Ross Searle and the 1991-92 period. Many people aided, assisted and guided them Greg Roberts; August 1992, Ross Searle. with their task to locate contemporary art in the Asia-Pacific region. Places visited: Port Moresby, Goroka, Lae, Rabaul, Madang, Mt. Artists welcomed them to their studios to discuss about current Hagen, Sogeri. issues and to exhibit their work. Art museums and institutions were Special thanks to Serol Marepo Eoe, Director, National Museum very helpful with local and organisational information. This and Art Gallery, Boroko. readiness to help focussed the intentions of the Triennial. The THE PHILIPPINES Queensland Art Gallery is extremely grateful for the warmth of the Visits by Australian selectors: November 1991, Joe Devilee; August welcome shown and the invaluable assistance given to the project 1992, Alison Carroll. in each country visited. The Gallery is also grateful to the staff of Place visited: Manila. the Australian embassies in each country for their assistance. Special thanks to Professor Alice Guillermo, Professor Eric Torres, CHINA Dr Nicanor Tiongson, Jeannie Javelosa, David Baradas, Cesare Visits by Australian selectors: October 1991, Doug Hall; May 1992, Syjuco, Didi Dee and Malen Modesto. Clare Williamson. SINGAPORE Places visited: Shanghai, Hangzhou. Visits by Australian selectors: July 1992, David Williams. Special thanks to Ni Wen Xiang, Vice-Section Chief, Shanghai Special thanks to Kananga Sabapathy, School of Architecture, Foreign Affairs Office and Zhou Chang Jiang, Vice-Director, National University of Singapore, Brother Joseph McNally, Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Research Institute. President La Salle College of Arts and Kwa Chong Guan, Director, HONG KONG Singapore National Museum. Visits by Australian selectors: May 1991, Anne Kirker. THAILAND Special thanks to Hiram To. Visits by Australian selectors: June 1992, Anne Kirker. INDONESIA Places visited: Bangkok, Chiang Mai. Visits by Australian selectors: November 1991, Doug Hall, Alison Special thanks to Professor Somporn Rodboon, Director, Silpakorn Carroll, David Williams, Caroline Turner; July 1992, David Williams, University Art Gallery, Bangkok and Dr Apinan Poshyananda, Caroline Turner, Robyn Bondfield. Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University. Places visited: Bali (Ubud, Denpasar), Yogyakarta, Solo City, VIETNAM Bandung, Jakarta. Visits by Australian selectors: August 1992, Alison Carroll. Special thanks to: Soedarso Sp., and Jim Supangkat. Also to the Place visited: Hanoi. late Dr Sanento Yuliman, Professor But Muchtar, Rector, Institute Special thanks to Professor Bach and the staff from the College of Seni Indonesia, Yogakarta (ISI), Wagiono, Dean, Art and Design, Fine Arts, Hanoi and Nguyen Quan. Jakarta Institute of Arts (IKJ), Iman Buchori, Dean, FacultyArt and Design, Institut Technology Bandung (ITB). Dola Rosa, Jakarta Institute of Arts (IKJ). JAPAN Visits by Australian selectors: May 1991, Anne Kirker; September 1991 and 1992, Doug Hall. Places visited: Tokyo, Kyoto, Saitama, Fukuoka. f --.-- Special thanks toMasayoshiHomma, Toshio Hara, Director, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, and Takeshi Kanazawa, Assistant Director of the Hara Museum. KOREA Visits byAustralian selectors: September 1991 and 1992, Doug Hall. - Place visited: Seoul. • A _______________________________ Special thanks to Professor Young Bang Lim, Director and Miss Eun-Ju Choi, The National Museum of Contemporary Art. MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur was the location for the off-shore National Advisory P r o m i n e n t visitors t o t h e e x h i b i t i o n inciucled b e r l a l o r 6aretr1 Evans, Committee meeting in November 1991. Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, pictured here talking to Visits by Australian and other selectors: March 1991, Joe Devilee; Filipino artist Santiago Bose. November 1991, Doug Hall, Alison Carroll, Caroline Turner, David Williams, Joe Devilee; July 1992, David Williams, Neil Manton, FURTHER INFORMATION Caroline Turner. If you would like to receive further copies of this Bulletin, information Places visited: Kuala Lumpur, Penang. on the Queensland Art Gallery and the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Special thanks go toWairah Marzuki, Acting Director of the National Contemporary Art or be placed on our mailing list please contact: Gallery of Malaysia, Redza Piyadasa, and also to Yeoh Jin Leng. Project Officer NEW ZEALAND Queensland Art Gallery Special thanks to John Leuthart of the Queen Elizabeth I Arts P0 Box 3686, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101 Council of New Zealand; and Bill Milbank, Director, Sarjeant AUSTRALIA Gallery, Wangunui, New Zealand. Fax: 61-7-844 8865