APT Bulletin Vol.3 No.2

Interactive Installations Many of the works within APT3 offer unique experiences as audiences are invited to engage with a range of artworks in unexpected ways. Chinese artist Xu Bing.(who is now living in the USA) invites his audience to experiment with ink and brush in his New English calligraphy classroom; Durriya Kazi and David Alesworth from Pakistan encourage audiences to elaborate on their understanding of home; Chinese-born artist Cai Guo Qiang explores the meeting of cultures as the theme for his installation Bridge crossing; while the project Writing the unspoken by Taiwanese artist Lee Mingwei (who is now living in the USA), invites the audience to compose letters to the living or the dead and to reflect on gratitude, insight and forgiveness. A new aspect of the APT project is Kids' APT. Comprising works specifically commissioned from APT3 artists for children aged 3-12 years, Kids' APT also features an interactive website, activity book, special labels designed for younger audiences and a range of works and activities. My goal is to give visitors a deep and unexpected experience of certain inner experiences which they share with others, of feelings which are deeply and commonly human. Lee Mingwei (image 17) From all the countries around the world and since ancient times until todar, the bridge has many metaphorical meanings. It can be a connection between two sides or a meeting point. Participation of the audience is an important aspect of this work. Cai Guo Qiang (image 18) Here we chose the stereotype of 'the home', a stereotype that is invested with a sense of belonging, social arrival, success, the perfect familr, the reason for enduring difficult working conditions...The home becomes both a reflective mirror or a personal album. It becomes the repository of objects and dreams, and makes our lifestyle possible...Very very sweet·Medina sets out to create a site for exploring these multi/ayered notions of home. Durriya Kazi and David Alesworth (image 19) Installation comprising mixed media/class room,studymaterials,monitor Oimensionsvar1able Collection:Theartist • 16.Virtualaccessthrougt,colourlul iMACcomputers~anexcitinginteractrle componentof Kid"sAPT. a 11.leeMingwei Writingtheunspoken 1999 lnstaltationcomprisingwood,steel,light fittings,glass,writingpaper&implements, e!l'ffllopes,cusliion Dimensions variable Components: 3 structures: 290 11701 231cm(each) Collec;tion:Theartist Photo:RichardStringer • 18.CaiGuoQiang Blidgecrossing.ProjectfortllelhirdAsia– PacificTriennialt999 lnstallationcomprisingbamboo,laser sensors,rainmakingdevlce Dimensionsvariable,components:Bridge: 600x3000x300cm Collection:Theartist a 19.DuniyaKazi&DavidAlesworth Very very sweet medina (Home sweet home) 1999 Installation comprising glitter perspex, Wtieels,speakers,tubelights,fairylights, stickers,folders,paper,sound,metal Dimensions variable Collection:Theartists Photo:RayFulton