APT Bulletin Vol.3 No.3

ADecade of official opening. The opening week works. Additionally, the Gallery is River. The QGMA will more than Engagement events attracted an audience of now focussing attention on the double the size of the existing 16 OOO and encompassed an collection of contemporary art Queensland Art Gallery building. intensive program of performances, from the Pacific. The contemporary Scheduled for completion in 2004, The Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of artists' talks, public programs and Asian art collection has recently the QGMA will focus on modern Contemporary Art {APT3) attracted discussion. been enhanced by a generous and contemporary Australian, a record audience of 155 OOO to donation from the Sidney Myer Indigenous Australian and the Queensland Art Gallery. The The Gallery also organised a Foundation and the Myer family, to international art with a special APT project was initiated by the comprehensive International further develop the Kenneth and focus on the art of Asia and the Gallery in 1993, as the first Visitors' Outreach Program which Yasuko Myer Collection of Pacific. It will include the Australian exhibition of its kind to focus on linked more than fifty participating Contemporary Asian Art. This latest Centre of Asia-Pacific Art and will the dynamic contemporary art of artists and curators with community donation will continue an provide a home for future Asia- Asia and the Pacific.The project groups, arts organisations and endowment for purchases in Pacific Triennials of Contemporary comprises an on-going program of universities throughout Australia contemporary Asian art and ensure Art. exhibitions, research, publications through a six month program of that the Queensland Art Gallery and dialogue. residencies and visits. continues to build one of the most Given the Gallery's strong significant collections of commitment to contemporary APT3: 9 September 1999 - International Networks and contemporary Asian art in the Asian and Pacific art, the APT will 26 January 2000 Curatorial Collaboration world. continue into the new decade, as 144 art works by more than 77 The success of the three Triennials will the Gallery's engagement with artists from 20 countries and has been dependent on the Queensland Government and contemporary Asian and Pacific art regions were included in APT3. The generous contribution of hundreds Sponsors Support in the areas of curatorship, art covered a range of media of international artists, curators, The Queensland Art Gallery research, exhibition and including performance, sculpture, writers and arts professionals. extends its gratitude to the acquisition. painting, installation, textile, video, The APT is the most extensive Queensland Government for new technology and photography. collaborative visual arts project providing significant funds for the Doug Hall Artists included were from Japan, in Australia and provides an project. The Gallery also thanks all DIRECTOR China, Hong Kong, South Korea, informed platform for artistic the APT3 sponsors who made Taiwan, Indonesia, the Philippines, experimentation. The principle of possible the staging of one of Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, co-curatorship is central within the Australia's most successful visual Vietnam, India, New Zealand, APT as curatorial partnerships arts events. Their support also Papua New Guinea, New between international and allowed the Gallery to continue its Caledonia, Australia and for the Australian curators undertake pioneering role in the research, first time, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Niue focused research in the region. documentation and exhibition of and Wallis and Futuna Islands. Additionally, the APT3 curatorial contemporary arts practice in Asia Many of the works invited audience process provided for the inclusion and the Pacific. interaction while artistic of 'globally mobile' artists and collaborations across cultures and artists engaged in interdisciplinary New Developments and Future art forms featured strongly. New practice and collaborations. Directions components of APT3 drew critical In May 2000, the Queensland acclaim. The APT Website and Collection Development Government announced the new Virtual Triennial attracted new The Gallery is fortunate in Queensland Gallery of Modern Art audiences while Kids' APT captured acquiring thirty-seven art wori<s {QGMA). The Queensland Gallery the imagination of young visitors from the APT3 exhibition. Similar of Modern Art with the Queensland through various avenues including numbers of acquisitions were Art Gallery will form a single, two- highly interactive art works made from the First and Second site gallery. It is intended to be an SANGYe&GeremieBARMtHuabiao1999,lr1Stallatioo specifically created for children by APT exhibitions. The Gallery also outstanding example of comprisinginflatabler?floncolumns,fans,motors,video mt.edmedia,Dimensiol\5variable,Collection:Tlleartists participating artists. purchases art wori<s in the years architectural and artistic excellence between Triennials. The Gallery's and innovation. The new building • 1. WilsonSHIEH,SheepstaUonl999,Chinese lnk& wa1',colouronsilk,40x30cm,Purchased 1999 Around 3 500 international and collection of contemporary Asian will be located at Kurilpa Point on Quoor1SlaOOArtGalleryfourldation.Colloction:QueenslaOO Australian visitors attended the art currently comprises over 300 the South Bank of the Brisbane ArtGallery