APT Bulletin Vol.3 No.3
Conference, Research Library and Publications The Queensland Art Gallery's commitment to research in the field of contemporary Asian and Pacific art directly supports the APT project. The APT3 conference coincided with the opening of the exhibition and attracted 700 delegates, becoming the largest contemporary art conference ever held in Australia. (Conference Proceedings will be available through the Gallery Store.) The Research Library continues to expand its substantial holdings of publications, catalogues, journals, slides, other reference material, and images. Additionally, an Asia– Pacific Artists Database lists more than 2 OOO artists in the region. The Gallery's unique Asia-Pacific Research holdings are available to students and researchers. Additionally, the 280 page full– colour APT3 publication explores issues concerning contemporary art in the region.The APT with its associated research and publications program, has become an integral part of the Gallery's operations and future direction. Website and Virtual Triennial: www.apt3.net In response to the active presence of new technologies in contemporary art practice, the Virtual Triennial was developed for APT3. The Virtual Triennial included the currently-active APT3 Website (www.apt3.net ).The Website attracted 1.3 million hits from June 1999 until January 2000 and features images of artwork and performances; specific information on artists and art works; as well as information on the conference, publications and events. 'Kids' APT On-line'featured projects and information developed specially for children. Another aspect of the Virtual Triennial was digital-based art work. Some wor1<;s were presented on-site within the exhibition. Other works were presented on-line through an exhibition of thirty web-based art works, launched every day during September 1999.The on-line exhibition was curated as part of the MAAP99 (Multimedia Art Asia Pacific)Festival. ABC Documentary Film Adocumentary film, Beyond the Future, was produced by Jack King through the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC television). The film highlights the spectacle of the opening events and offers a journey through the exhibition, as well as interviews with participating artists, curators and Gallery staff.The film was screened nationally on the ABC television networ1<; on 9 April 2000 and is available on video through the Gallery Store. Gallery Store + APT Merchandise The Gallery Store offers a diverse range of APT merchandise. The publication Beyond the Future: The Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of ContemporaryArt features 117 commissioned essays by eighty-five international and Australian writers and is available for AUD$45 +GST, postage & handling. A range of merchandise for younger audiences includes the Education Resource Kit, the Kids' Activity Booklet, stickers, mouse-pads, posters, notebooks and t-shirts. The Gallery also stocks catalogues from APTl and APT2, conference papers, documentary APT films on video, and a specialist range of contemporary Asia-Pacific art publications. For further information please contactThe Gallery Store at: Tel: +61 (0)7 3840 7290 Fax: +61 (0)7 3840 7149 Email: GalleryStore@qag.qld.gov.au Website: www.qag.qld.gov.au/shop/index.html Af'l3Website,nw.apt3.riet a 2. Mohammad lmranQURESHl,Prestntatio/11998 Gouac!le,fM<lleafonwaslipaper,26.5,20cm(sJghl); 42.5135.5c:m (framed)26.5120cm(comp.),Purcllased 1999.QueenslaridfutGalleryFooridation,Collectlon: QueenslaridArtG.allery . 3.RaviriderG.REDCl!'.Womanwtttl/otusfloorer !998,S~the!icPQ!yrnefpain~fM<!leafon ?Qiyeste<resin f<breglass,212,148,6Jcm(O<Nff),n,eKenriethand YasllkllMyerColle<:lionofContMiporary.l.sianAA. Purchasedl999withflJ!ldsfromtheSidneyMyer Centenary~ebration1899-1999.Gift.truougt, lhe QueensiandfutGalleryFoondation,Collec!ion: QueeoslllridArtG.allery . 4.RummanaHUSSAIN,Asp;,ce/orlleali/>11999, Metallmplements.PVC?Qles,cioth,plasticobjects,pd paint,"""1lillionredpaimandsoundcom?O"""~ 500•5001500cm(installedappro..).?1Jfcilased2000 QueenslaridArtG.alleryfoondation,Colltction: QueenslartdfutG.allery
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