APT Bulletin Vol.3 No.3

Visitors' Comments The Asia-Pacific exhibition is a wonder. In fact the whole experience of the visit on these occasions to the Gallery was joyous and nourishing to the spirit, ravishing to the senses and the intellect. I have taken guests from here and abroad, aged from 18 to 80, and each has relished the works. ... Keep building such bridges and we will cross them. BIiie Brown, Actor An excellent Triennial - well resourced, information was excellent and there was a great variety of work. Barbara McCondle, Alnslle I'm speechless. Great interaction of ideas and experiences with Asia. Carol Mariano, Labrador It certainly challenges my experience of living in Australia. Beautifully and sincerely expressive. Rhlanna Robinson, Brisbane Greatly inspiring!! This is what art is all about- life itself! Leanne Wow! Great for kids, had an amazing time! Katrina Parfitt, Brisbane Loved the interaction of the exhibition. Such a high level of audience involvement. Congratulations on such a fine exhibition. Peter Hare + Adrienne Pryor, Brisbane Superb, thoughtful, sad, beautiful, and full of so much emotion! Vlveka De Costa, Melbourne Thought provoking. Arresting. Interactive. Wow! Suzanne Sherwood, ACT Stunning, oveiwhelming exhibition - original and creative - it jolts one right out of the ordinary prosaic everyday world. Anne Hay, Melbourne I'm visiting from the USA and I absolutely thought this exhibition was amazing! Elease Lui, USA I had to come back for a second rook.Truly enjoyable. Mary Tola, Christchurch, New Zealand Huge! Great pleasure - a revelation for all the senses- a great cultural expenence. Josh Farago, Melbourne Thank you for a brilliant afternoon of sensory overload. Paul Webb, Ireland A marvellous display of a wide variety of media. Bravo! Elliot and Nancy Del Borgo, USA Fantastic! It filled my spirit with hope. Jane Woodruff, NSW This is fantastic! I have been travelling Australia searching for great contemporary art and I am so happy to have finally found it! Thanks! Beth Steplan, USA I'll remember today in Brisbane for my whole life! Dawn HIii, Korea The only show of this kind in the world - great! C. Dletschold, Germany This is one amazing place. It shows us that art comes in all shapes and forms and is able to unite us all. Melissa Van Bael, Brisbane Ambrosial, disturbing, insightful, moving and excellent! Eloise Grace, Brisbane APTJposterlea\UringJun.JiehWANG,1/eonUrlaub . 5. SONAflAl,Un~r/ed1999, lnstallatiooCQmprising coconutfibre,ciaymlxture,pigment(p,o,ru,rcok>ms). syntlleticadhes~glue,Dlmensions...ariabte,Collection· Queensland Art Gallery . 6.SurendraoNAIRTra/Mesartheschoolot necromancingl;l'l>espeak/ngtrtt,Trairl<!<!sat!tie schoolof=niancing2(from 'Corollary mythologies' series)t999, Oil on canvas Trll)l)'ch: 240,380cm (ow,rall); left andrightpa~ls:240,IOOcm(each); centrepanet:240xl80cmPurthased1999. QueenslandMGalleryFoundation,Collection Queensland AA Gallery . ,. Kids'M'T,DurrlyaKAZlandOavidAI..ESWORJH, \le,yw>,ysweetmed/na(Homesweethome),199'9 . 8.Kids'APT,N.S.ftARSHA,VIOJ1<5hopwi!tisdlool stuOents lnconjunclionwithVisltors'OutreachPro~m. "" . 9.Kids'APT,CAIGuoQiang,BuildingBrldges,1999