APT Bulletin Vol.3 No.3

APT3 Audience Survey: Summary of Results Over97%enjo~dtheexhibition. Almost 30% attended APT3 more thantwice. Over 77% were very likely or extremely likely to recommend the APT to others. Over 76% considered the new technology aspects ofAPT3 were important. 36%ofvisitorsparticipated in the Kids'APT and 99%thoughtit was a good inclusion. 57% lived in Brisbane, 12% were from regional Queensland, 15% from interstate and 16%from overseas. 98.5%believed it important for theGallerytoexhibitcontemporary art of the Asia-Pacific. Critics' Comments One of the hottest contemporary arteventsaround.Withthe Triennial, Queensland Art Gallery hasreconceiveditselfasa museumforthe21stcentury. ... ThisTriennialisabouthighly creative,sometimescombustible, WcffSOfsurvivingthe present. Nicholas Jose, 'Art to the Power of Three', The Bulletin, 1 Sept. 1999 Years ago the Queensland Art Gallery came up with a concept whichwastomaterialiseintothe mostimportantartisticeventinthis partoftheworld.ltwascalledthe Asia-Pacific Triennial of ContemporaryArtand itbecame the ultimate showcase for artists in the region to get together every three years and display their work and share cultural experiences. The Virtual Triennial not only expandsthescopeforthe exhibition,butallowsimmediate onlineparticipationbyaudiences aroundtheworld.Thismakesthe Asia-Pacific Triennial a truly global event Chotlmont Yonrum, Bangkok Post, 6 Jan. 2000 Thisisoneofthesassiestfestivals ofseriousartontheworldcultural calendar ... Formany,APTcan lay claimtobeingAustralia'smost genuinely international art exhibition. Bruce James, The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 May 1999 APT3 is a truly global, multicultural event from our region that tells us storiesaboutourregionwhile entertaining us on agrand scale. TheAPT3 seems to be something ofatriumphofthehumanspirit – abovepolitics,ideologyand geography. Phil Brown, 'Building Bridges', Brisbane News, Sept. 1999 ltisavisual,intellectualand emotional rollercoaster. ...Universal experiencesareofferedupfor contemptation,butnotinatrite way ... Weseereinventionof traditions,meaningfuldialogues aboutpoliticsorthepersonal,life anddeathissues,andinteraction with communities ... In nine years theTriennialhascreatedadynamic interchangeofideas,experimentation andmomentum ...Thereislittle doubt that this is Australia's best contemporary exhibition. Louise Martin-Chew, The Australian, 18 Sept. 1999 Here isa great agglomeration of art,whichbreatheshumour, compassion,outrageandcalmin equalmeasure.lcouldspenddays wandering happily among its umpteenexhibits. lthoughtfora moment I was dreaming. GIies Auty, The Australian, 25 Sept.1999 Whileinstallations,performance art,andsculptureprovidesomeof themostcolourfulandpoignant momentsoftheTriennial,themore traditional mediums of painting, works on paper and photography also contribute to the prevailing aura of delight being experienced bymanyvisitorstothisthesison thedynamicandchangingnature ofculturesandsocietiesinthe Asia-PaClfic region. Roger Taylor, AsianArt News, Nov. / Dec. 1999 a 10. M"'8.IMRSMl.,lil..-,l999,Trea!«I .<AA>s(kan&oroo.mt.llshandd!ic""'11,244,91cm 1<1""'""');140A84cm(lroC};l50l100cm(fi,/,) 152•95cm (cnckeol.Pu" "1ose<l2000.~ M(;a(Jcrif"""'1olicw,,C<>i!ecli<ln:~MM ~ .. • 11. MictlMINelso<1.11,G,IJ,V,AA.Will/yaml998. Synth<tic:Pol)'mer~int0<1intfl-,200.3, 1!-0cm,- 1998 ~MMC..ilt<J FOUl'll!Mi0<1Grant,Col\t<:lioo;~MMGaliery • 12. W:Minfaei, Wti!i,lfrht~ 1999 l'lood.stee1.lig!it~no.,-,'ll'rilinc~ peroM im~-\$,0~,(:Ulliil)o,Thrt,!-: 290, 170,23l<rn (M<l,)(installati0<1&inl-\e) -2000.0,-..MGolltryf<Minclatl0<1 • 13 Doctont CHR1$1ANTO,~<liW1"1Meil998 /Fin,OlMayl998)199S.99.lrl<tllrwioo""'1prisl(l(47 llul'l>!J,l ~p;o,.,,._ fl1ures. pl>sttr,oement, me!al, bamboo.~.po~.IOSep\ember CAIGuoQiana,~~·f'rnJe<,rkxtl>e1111<1J .w.Padllcr.......,.1m, msto1111tioncompns;fll •-boot.Nlllboo,!awso"'°"','"'"'"kiliC clfM<:e,Dimt<lslord""11t>lo,co,npor,o,11S. B<klil&:600, 3000, 300cm.~ll>tor1ist