Present Encounters : Papers from the conference of the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, 1996

CHEN Yan Yin Chen Yan Yi n was born in 1 958 in Shanghai, China. She is Director of Scu l pture at the Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture I nstitute, Shanghai. As an installation artist, her work has been exh i bited international ly, and recent exhibitions include 'The Language of I nstallation's Position' (Shanghai, 1 995) , 'The East' (Denmark, 1 995) and '96 Contai ners - Art Across the Oceans' (Denmark, 1 996) . Chen Yan Yin's work for the Second APT is titled Discrepancy between one idea. DANG Thi Khue Dang Thi Khue was born i n Hanoi , Vietnam in 1 946. Since her g raduation from Vietnam U niversity of Fine Arts in 1 995, she has special ised in oil painting and graphic art. She is the recipient of national visual art awards and has exhibited in Russia , Germany and at the Vietnam Festival , Hong Kong in 1 994. Dang Thi Khue is actively i nvolved i n research , edu cation and arts administration . Her work with the Hanoi Fine Arts Research Institute has i ncluded collaboration on the production of a major publication introducing 1 00 contempo rary Vietnamese artists. She is currently preparing for a solo exhibition to be held i n Hanoi in 1 996. Three painti ngs by Dang Thi Khue are included in the Second APT. Rhana DEVENPORT From a background in art and theatre education, Rhana Devenport joi ned the Gallery's Education Section in 1 989. She co-authored Artifacts, An Exploration of Art and Design for Junior Secondary Students. During 1 992-93 she undertook a Museums Australia professional development grant working in contemporary arts institutions in the USA and the UK. Rhana Devenport was a member of the curatorial team for India, contributed an essay to the catalogue and has been the Senior Project Officer for the Second APT since 1 994. David ELLIOTT David Ell iott has been Director of The Museum of Modern Art, Oxford since 1 976. He is a cultural historian with an academic interest in the visual culture of Germany and Russia d u ring the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as wel l as in contemporary art. He has published several books and articles on these subjects. He has a particular i nterest in contemporary art within the Developing World and has organised a large n umber of exhi bitions in this area. He is completing a book entitled Through The Looking Glass: The Roots of Realism in Modem Art and has recently co-curated a Council of Europe exhi bition entitled 'Art and Power: Europe Under the Dictators 1 930-1 945' for the Hayward Gallery , London . He was recently appointed Director o f t he Moderna Museet in Stockho lm, Sweden . David Elliott contri buted an essay for t he Second APT catalogue. Julie EWINGTON She took up the position of Cu rator, Australian Art at the Queensland Art Gallery in January , 1 997. Ju lie Ewington i s a critic, curator and broadcaster, and i s t he former Senior Curator (Museum Education) at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. Her recent writing has focussed on the contemporary art and culture of South-East Asia, and on the debates a round cultural exchange and global cultural d iversity, with special reference to Asia, Australia and New Zealand. She has publ ished numerous articles and catalogue essays on contemporary South-East Asian art and is prepari ng a book on her research in th is area. Julie Ewington was a catalogue writer and the curatorial co-ordinator for The Philippines for the Second APT. Patrick D . FLORES Patrick D. Flores is Associate Professor, Department of Art Studies at the University of The Ph i l ippines. He obtained his MA i n Art History from that University, and is currently completing his PhD i n Philippine Stud ies. His critical essays have been published i n a n anthology titled Sites o f Review: Critical Practice in Media, and h i s work on colonial art history is d u e for publication next year. He i s a n active member o f the F i l m Desk o f the You ng Critics C i rcle. Patrick D . Flores was a catalogue writer for the Second APT. 1 46