Present Encounters : Papers from the conference of the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, 1996

Tom MOSBY Tom Mosby was born on Thursday Island in the Torres Strait Islands. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Cultu ral Conservation, and is currently studying for his Bachelor of Laws at the University of Melbourne. He is also a Research Assistant with the Ian Potter Art Conservation Centre, where he is completing a paper on conservation approaches to Aboriginal art. Tom Mosby regularly contributes articles on conservation and Torres Strait Islands art to journals such as Art/ink. He was co-curator for the Torres Strait Islands and a catalogue writer for the Second APT. Takash i MURAKAMI Dr Takashi Mu rakami was born in 1 962 in Tokyo. He studied Nihon-ga (traditional Japanese­ style pai nting) at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, obtaining his MA i n 1 988 and h is PhD in 1 993. I n 1 994 he won an Asian Cultural Council Fellowship to the I nternational Studio Program , New York. H is recent major exhi bitions include 'Transculture - the 46th Biennale di Venezia' (Venice, 1 995) and 'Japan Today' (Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, etc. 1 995) . He lives and works in New York and Tokyo. Two inflatable works and one painting by Dr Takashi Murakami are included in the Second APT. Emiko NAMI KAWA Emiko Namikawa is Director of Gallery Lunami in Tokyo , and in 1 996 is attend ing the University of Western Sydney, Nepean under the Visiting Fel low Research Scheme. She has been involved in the organisation of many international art exchange projects, particularly between Australia and Japan , including ' I nner-Land: Exhibition of Australian Contemporary Art' (Tokyo, 1 993) , 'Tokyo Connection: Australian Artists i n Tokyo' (Tokyo, 1 990) and 'Continuum '85: Aspects of Japanese Art Today' (Melbourne, 1 985) . Fumio NANJO Fumio Nanj o is an independent curator, art critic and lecturer at Keio University i n Tokyo. I nternational exh ibitions which he has curated i nclude 'APERTO 88, The 43rd Biennale di Venezia' (Ita ly, 1 993) , 'Agai nst Nature: Japanese Art i n the Eighties' (USA, 1 989) , 'A Cabinet of Signs - Contemporary Art from Post-Modern Japan' (UK, 1 99 1 ) , 'I nvisible Nature' (Czechoslovakia, 1 993) and 'TransCulture, The 46th Biennale di Venezia' (Italy, 1 995) . As well as organising lectures and symposia, he has served as a consultant on the 'Shinj u ku 1- LAND Public Art Projects', 'Yumeooka Art Project' and others. He writes extensively for I nternational art journals i ncluding Le Cahler of the Centre Georges Pompidou , SD (Space Design) , Flash Art and BT. Fumio Nanjo was co-curator for Japan and a catalogue writer for the Second APT. Margo NEALE Margo Neale is of Aborigi nal and I rish descent. She has degrees in education, art and curatorship and is the 1 996 visiting scholar at the University of Queensland . Prior to becoming Curator of I ndigenous Australian Art at the Queensland Art Gallery in 1 995 she worked at the National Gallery of Australia and later the Art Gallery of New South Wales where she authored Yirabana (Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1 994) and co-curated the Yirabana Ga llery . For the Second APT, Margo Neale was a member of the National Advisory Committee, curatorial co-ordinator for Aotearoa/ New Zealand and a member of the curatorial team for Australia. Lin ONUS Lin Onus was born in 1 948 i n Melbourne . He is a self-taught artist and arts administrator whose family is closely associated with Aborigi nal welfare and social development. He was the Victorian representative on the Aboriginal Arts Board from 1 986-88, and in 1 989 took up an artist-in-residency at t he Fujin Kaikan and Kyobun Centre i n Yokohama, Japan . He was appoi nted to the Australia Council as Chairman of the Aborig inal Arts Committee in the same year. In 1 994 he won the Open Art Award of the Australian Heritage Commission . His work for the Second APT is titled A stronger spring for David: Toas for a modem age. [Lin Onus passed away on 24 October, 1 996.] 1 50