Present Encounters : Papers from the conference of the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, 1996

Kimio TSUCHIYA Kimio Tsuchiya lives and works in Matsudo, Japan. He is a g raduate of the Department of Architecture, Nihon University, and in 1 989 received a British Council Grant and obtained h i s MA (Sculpture) from the Chelsea School of Art , London . H i s major exhibitions incl ude the 'A Primal Spirit: 1 O Contemporary Japanese Sculptors' (Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, etc. 1 990) , and 'Il lusion and Remembrance: I nstal lations by Kimio Tsuchiya', a solo exhibition held in 1 996 at the Hara Museum. He has exh ibited regularly in Europe and Asia since 1 986, and h is 'Transpenn ine Project' with James Turrell and Gusieppe Penone is scheduled for i nstal lation in the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, England in 1 997. H is works Landscape in silence and Moon are included in the Second APT exhibition . Caroline TURNER Dr Caroline Turner is Deputy Director of the Queensland Art Gallery. She has organised a number of major international exhibitions, including exchanges of contemporary Japanese and Australian art in 1 987 and 1 989 and major exhibitions from the Shanghai Museum, the Musee du Louvre and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. In 1 995 she curated the 'Matisse' exhi bition for Australia. She is the editor of Tradition and Change: Contemporary Art of Asia and the Pacific (UQP, 1 993) . Dr Turner has undertaken research in cultural history i n Britai n and t he United States, was a member o f t he Australian government's Australia-China Counci l and is currently a member o f t he Australia-I ndonesia I nstitute. She i s manager of t he APT project, was curatorial co-ordinator for Japan and a catalogue writer for the Second APT. Masahiro USHIROSHOJI Masahiro Ushiroshoji has been Curator of the Fukuoka Art Museum si nce 1 978. He has been responsible for organisation of the Museum's Fukuoka Art Shows, the most recent ('Realism as an Attitude') held in 1 994. He is also in charge of acquisitions of modem art for the Museum , which holds a collection of some 600 works. Masahiro Ushiroshoj i obtained his deg ree i n the H istory of Fine Art from Kyushu University in 1 978, and has lectured i n Art H istory a t Fukuoka University and in Museology at the Kyushu University. Jim VIVIEAERE Jim Vivieaere is a New Zealand-born Polynesian, an artist and independent cu rator. He is a past recipient of the Moet & Chandon Arts Foundation Residency i n France, and the cu rato r o f t he first Survey Exhibition of contemporary Aotearoa/ New Zealand Pacifi c Island Art . He i s a Director of ARCHILL, an Auckland multi-functional studio space, which promotes the visions of Pacific Islanders and Maori , and generally 'Outernational Artists of Colour' . J i m Vivieaere was co-curator for Aotearoa/ New Zealand for the Second APT. WANG Youshen Wang Youshen is an artist and the Art Ed itor of Beijing Youth Daily. He was born i n Beij i ng i n 1 964. Since graduating from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1 988 he h a s participated i n numerous exh ibitions including 'China's New Art, Post- 1 989: With a Retrospective from 1 979- 1 989' (Hong Kong, 1 993) , 'Beijing International Com-Art Show', (Beijing, 1 994) , the Seoul I nternational Art Festival (1 994) and in Australia 'Mao Goes Pop' i n 1 993. Wang Youshen was a member of the curatorial team for China for the Second APT. David WILLIAMS Professor David Williams is Director of the Canberra School of Art (CSA) , Australian Nationa l University and is a graduate of MTC, RMI T and La Trobe University. At ANU, he is also Deputy Chair (Dean) of the I nstitute of the Arts and plays a key rol e in the CSA's high profi le program of visiting artists, international student exchange, exhibition and academic activities. He is a regular contributor to conferences, seminars and publications i n Australia a nd i nternationally, and has served on various state, national and international committees and delegations. Professor Will iams is a member o f the Asialink Visual Arts Advisory Committee, Art Monthly Australia Board and is Chair, Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools. He was a member of the First and Second APT National Advisory Committees, curatorial co-ordinator for Taipei, a member of the curatorial teams for South Korea a nd a catalogue writer for the Second APT. 1 53