1993 APT1 Conference : Identity, tradition and change

5 and stripping away assumptions underlining his own cultural identity in the light of contemporary ecological issues and in the process confronting his fellow citizens at very close quarters. Da Wu, however, is not the subject of this brief exposition, although it is virtually impossible to enter into any discussion of the sense of the alternative or alterity without him. The artists Chandra and Vincent were among a group who began to strike out on their own practices from about the mid 80’s and are still continuing to grow and develop. These artists grew up during a period of massive physical, social and cultural change in Singapore, generated by the creation of the new state. During the 1970’s and 80’s entirely new urban forms and systems were built - based on technological efficacy these forms and systems were designed to ensure rapid economic growth and generate continuing economic wealth. The speed with which such an end has been realised and the determination with which it continues to be refined and implemented is unrelenting and breathless. The growth in material and technological terms is undeniable, but the achievements have been gained at a price. The toll on human psyche and identity are considerable. In the drive to impose new uniform structures and systems, entire communities which once possessed demographic and social identities were uprooted and relocated in new towns - highrise and high density housing schemes. The earlier foundations on which social, familial and personal connections had been built were irretrievably disrupted. Where once there was a subtle network of extended relationships, now there is a sense of separateness, anonymity and estrangement. Yet these newly created communities are neither ghettos nor slums. On the contrary they are managed efficiently and maintained diligently. On the other hand they are highly impersonal and mechanical. Such conditions propelled this artist to re-examine all that had either to be assumed as given. Next two slides please. On the left a painting by Wong Shih Yaw and on the right the sculpture by Tang Mun Kit. Some of these artists are mentioned CASUALAARTGALL.TP1 24 May 1994