1993 APT1 Conference : Identity, tradition and change

1 Slides for Art Critics' Session, A s ia -P ac if ic Trienna le Monday 2 0 th September 1993 p r e s en ta tio n of John Clark odd=left even= righ t I . KAPOOR, Anish, Untitled, 1983 , po lys ty rene , cement & pigment. 2.RIMZON, N.N., Blue Moon in October, 1989 . 3.GU, Yuan, T itleUnknown, 1944 , woodblock p rin t. 4 . XU, Bing, Amirror to ana ly se th e world, 1 9 8 7 - 8 9 , woodblock p ri 5.FEI, Zheng, Peeling- Garlic, 1 9 8 4 - 8 5 , acrylic, 90 x 90 cms, [ Group ]. 6.FEI, Zheng, Hometown, 1990 , oil, 65 x 65 cms. pub lished in Meishu August 1990. 7.DEDE Eri Supria, Di antara c e la h -c e la h rimba ik lan [in between a fo res t of adve r tisemen ts , oils, 1987 100 x 133 cms. 5. MONTIEN, Boona, T itle unknown, exh ib ited a t Visual Dhamma Gallery, Bangkok, J anu a ry 1991 . 9.LO, Yanshao, Au tumn Landscape, 1978 , ink and colours on paper, 110 x 63 .6 cms 10 .GU, Wenda, We could h a rd ly n e ed to comment on the words w ritten by three men and three women, mixed media, 1989?. I I . anonymous, The Terrible Goddess Kali by the Corpse-Siva , >l850s<, oil on canvas , about 100 x 80 cms, with Chitrakoot Gallery, Ca lcu tta in 1991. 12. anonymous, Sheng Yige Hao [Be tte r to give b i r t h to one child], pho tographed by John Clark a t Wu Xi in August 1981. 1 3.YOSHIHARA, Jiro, Blue and Red, 1969 14.FUKUDA, Heihachiro, Water, Nihonga media on paper, 53 .25 x 36 .25 inches. 15.SUWA, Naoki, P -2 -8 3 1 1 , 1983 , acrylic on co tton canvas , 140 x 140 cms. 16.ARIMOTO, Toshio, Fruit, 1982 , tempera on canva s 22 x 27.3 cms. 17. Wall in Beijing, pho tog raphed by John Clark in August 1981 . 18. S tr e e tin Tokyo, Hongd, Sanchome, pho tographed by John Clark in winter 1 9 6 9 - 7 0 . 19,Complesso Plastico, Love Maximum, 1989 , mixed media. 20.PIROUS, A.D., Calligraphy, c. 1970s . 21.BASOEKI, Abdullah, The Fisherman Legend, 1956 , oils, J ak a r t a , P res iden tia l Palace. 22 .ZHOU, Dalu, S tud io n o .l, 1987 , oil, 92 x 65 cms. 23.RADEN, Salleh, Portra it I, 1 8 4 0 s - 5 0 s , oils, 144 x 106 cms. 24.VARMA, Ravi, Lady in the Moonlight, 61 x 75 .2 cms. 25. UMEHARA, Ryusaburo, Mt.Agama, 1959 , 62.5 x 76 cms 26.AFFANDI, Campuan [Darjeeling], 1954 , oils, 139 x 105 cms, J ak a r t a , Adam Malik Collection.