1993 APT1 Conference : Identity, tradition and change

What is deducible from the above is that beauty as understood among the Malays is essentially ethico-spiritual quality. It is an inner quality which accords with al-Ghazalian concept of beauty. The key elements that connect the motifs of traditional woodcarving and the religion of Islam is the reference they make to nature. For nature as encoded by the traditional Malay woodcarving provided the ethico-spiritual model which all aspire and upon which the concept of 'adab' is based. Nature provided the fundation for constructing an ontology and rules of behaviour. The Principles Of Malay Philosophy Of Beauty The ethico - spiritual nature of Malay concept of beauty is clearly evidenced in the various attributes such as "lembut" (gentle, pliable, reflexible), "halus" (refine, subtle), "seimbarig" (balance, harmony), "teratur" (orderliness, decorum), "berguna" (beneficial, functional, hospitality), all reflect the percep­ tion of an ideal value-orientation in Malay society which constitute its concept of ’Adab.' It is this ideal values of Adab that determine the essence of Malay identity7and personality7 and which are mirrored in various forms of his creative expression and modes of behav­ iour.