1993 APT1 Conference : Identity, tradition and change

F o o tn o te s BIBLOGRAPHY 1. Ozey Memet. Islamic Identity and Development Studies of the Islamic Periphery, p. 9. 2. See Lamya Al-Faruqi "Islamic Literary Principles and the Visual Arts: A Case Study from Malaysia", DBP, 19S4. 3 Scholars such as S.H. Nasr, Prof. Taib Osman, Prof. Duyvendak, Dr. Hussin Mutalib have characterized the advent of the British as being essentially "voilent and destructive." The crisis was caused bv the forcing of new values of the foreign cultural characteristic and the effort made to reverse and renovate the inherent cultural structure of the Nusantara. 4 See Dr. Hussin Mutalib. Islam and Ethnicity in Malay Politics. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1990. 5 A keynote speech by Dr. Awang had Salleh, "Akar- akar Kesenian Peribumi." Dewan Budaya, Januari 1980. 6 Syed Ahmad Jamal,"Contemporay Islamic Art in Malaysia,"Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena. 198 7 See Syed Ahmad Jamal. "Contemporay Islamic Art in Malayia - Arts and The Islamic World, 1983". 8 Chu Li, 'Three Artsists With an Islamic Idiom," The New Straits Times Annual,1985. _9y See "Islamic Elements in the contemporary Visual Arts of Malaysia - Pameran Tamaddun Islam, Balai Senilukis Negara, 1984. 10 Zakaria Ali. The Malaysianess of Malaysia Art: A Question of Identity. Balai Senilukis Negara, 1991. 11 See "Islamic Literay Principles and the Visual Art" 12 Mohamad Ali Rahman. "Islamic Influences in Malay Society and Modem Malaysian Painting - INTI, Journal of Printis Pendidikan Senilukis dan Senireka, 1986. 13 Redza Piyadasa. "Siti Zainon, the Painter: An appreciation", the Moon is a Candle; A catalogue of One-Person show, by Siti Zainon, 1992. 1 Ali, Yusof The Holy Quran: Translations and Commentary. American Trust Publication, 2nd Edition, 1977. 2 Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad Naquib. The Positive Aspect of Tasawwuf. K.Lumpur: Islamic Academy of Science, 1981. 3 - Islam dalam Sejarah dan kebudavan Melayu. K.Lumpur, universiti Kebangsaan malaysia, 1972. 4 - Islam and the Philisophy of Science. K.Lumpur: International Institute Islamic Thought and Civilization. 1989. 5 - The Mysticism of Hamzah Fansuri. K.Lumpur: 6 - Some Aspects of Sufism as Understood and Practised Among the Malays. Singapore: Malaysian Socioligical Research Institute, 1963. 7 Al-Faruqi, Ismail R. "Misconception of the Nature of Islamic Art, "Islam and the Modem Age(l), 1970,pp.29-49. 8 Al-Faruqi, Ismail and Lamya. The Cultural Atlas of Islam. 9 - Al-Faruqi, Lamya. Islam and Art. Islambad: National Hira Council, 19S5 10 "Islamic Literary Priciples and the Visual Arts: Case Study From Malaysia." Seminar Kesenian Islam, anjuran Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1984. 11 Bousfield, John. "Islamic Philosophy in South East Asia", in Islam in South East Asia, ed. M.M Hooker, Leiden; E.J. Brill, 1983 12 Titus Burckhardt. Art of Islam: Language and Meaning.London: World of Islam festival Trust, 1967. 13 Branginsky, V. 'The Malay concept of Beauty (indah) and its Islamic Roots. Conference onThe Malay World, 1979. 14 Chee, Tham Seong. Malays and Modernization. A Sociological Interpretation. Singapore: Singapore University Press. 1977. 15 Jamal, Syed Ahmad. "Seni Rupa Dalam Tamaddun Islam," Jabatan Pengajian Melavu, Universiti Malaysia, 1976. 16 Geertz, Clifford, The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Book Inc. 1973. 17 Mohammad, Abdullah (Nakula) "Batik Kita: Falsafah Motif-Motif dan Sejarahnya." Warisan Kelantan IX., Kota Bahru: Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Kelantan, 1990. 32