1993 APT1 Conference : Identity, tradition and change

called into question. For such could foste r a nostalgic rom an ticization or precolonial forms as the only and genuine repository of the cultural identity, which thus becomes s ta tic and re ified , reduced to a m ere ornamental concept removed from history. The shadow of orientalism falls upon these endeavors echoed in New York and the big cosmopolitan cen te rs of the world where the s tra tegy of the dominant Euro- American One over the Asian Others is not far from sight. To these the sole defense of the a r tis t is an a ttitu d e of deep respec t and appreciation for the indigenous cultures so th a t his/her art-making does not violate th e ir essences and instead re fle c ts the ir concerts, in te rests, and aspirations. While th e re a re indeed p itfa lls, the re are also gains. One rea l gain here is th a t it draws out the .pmeaning-conveying po ten tia l of m a teria ls a t hand, accessible and fam iliar. With these, the a rtis ts re s itu a te themselves in th e ir rea l and concre te environment, with its spec ific tex tu res, hues, aromas, and recover a rea l sense of tim e and place. Doubtless, th e re is a common fe rtile ground where urban a rtis ts and indigenous peoples m ee t, and th a t is where a rt to which both con tribu te becomes life-giving and life-enhancing in the d irection of full human rea liza tion .