Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1993 : Exhibition report

publication advertisements; and post exhibition catalogue and book order advertisements. Advertisements were well supported by editorial coverage. An exhibition poster was produced (45 000 print run) that outlined a full calendar of the Triennial events including the exhibition film program, family Sundays, lecture program, artists’ talks and performance program. Conference, exhibition, book and catalogue Advertisements were placed in the following international publications: Monthly, Art New Zealand ; Asian Art News;Flasharf, Art in ; The Art Newspaper. Advertisements were placed in the following Australian art publications: Art and A s i a P a c i f i c ;Craft Arts International ; Artlink; A rt National; Photofile; State of the Art; MOCA Bulletin; Periphery, Craftlink; TAASA Review. Exhibition and Triennial Festival Advertisements were placed in the following national and metropolitan publications: The Australian;' The Courier-Mail; The Sunday Mail; Brisbane Chinese Community News; Brisbane International Film Festival program; Asia Week program; Warana Program; Tourism Brisbane; Queensland Backpackers Guide; Time Off; Weekend Independent; Rave. A four page advertorial supplement was organised in The Brisbane Review, which is Brisbane’s arts and entertainment publication. The supplement included articles, interviews and photographs of artists, and a full calendar of events throughout the duration of the Triennial, as well as significant acknowledgment of sponsors. Publicity The comprehensive and far reaching publicity strategy resulted in unprecedented international, national, metropolitan and regional press, television and radio coverage from the time of the exhibition’s announcement. Please refer to the separate Press Clippings attachment. Media Preview The media preview on 17 September was a most significant event, attended by several hundred people, and was acclaimed a major success. In addition to local media, numerous interstate and international journalists and art critics attended. This carefully orchestrated event was staged in the underpass to the Gallery. On a dais, against the backdrop of sponsorship banners, speeches were made to the assembled media, conference delegates, artists and international visitors, by Mr Doug Hall, Director, Queensland Art Gallery; Mr Max Bourke, General Manager, Australia Council; Mr Michael Myer, who announced the donation of $300 000 for the acquisition of works from the exhibition; and Mr Richard Austin, OBE, Chairman, Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees. During the event His Excellency, Mr Sabam Pandapotan Siagian,vthe Ambassador of Indonesia to Australia, unveiled a painting by Indonesian artist, Affandi, which was loaned for display in the International Collection by the artist’s daughter, Kartika Affandi. Performances were presented in the Gallery during the preview. A comprehensive media kit was distributed at the preview to international, national and local media and the resulting coverage was excellent.