Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1993 : Exhibition report

A journalist and photographer from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Overseas Information Branch spent several days prior to the opening photographing and interviewing artists and Gallery staff. A series of articles, photographs and radio interviews were distributed to media in the Asia Pacific region. Television Apart from the one-hour ABC documentary on the Asia-Pacific Triennial, which was screened nationally in early December 1993, extensive television coverage was received. This included: SBS ABC Dateline feature story and news story News coverage (screened nationally the night of the Official Opening) and 7.30 Report segments ATV1 Broadcast a long segment on the Triennial exhibition throughout the Asia Pacific region. Channel 9 Today screened a segment nationally on the morning the Triennial opened. ABC Sunday Afternoon with Peter Ross - an interview with Dr Caroline Turner, Deputy Director and Manager, International Programs. Channel 10 Channel 9 News The national morning program, Ernie and Denise Show, filmed the exhibition and interviewed Dr Caroline Turner, Deputy Director and Manager, International Programs. Radio In addition to local and regional news and current affairs radio coverage, much important national and international radio coverage was achieved, which included: Radio National A national live to air program, Australia Talks Back, featured interviews by Sandy McCutcheon with Alison Carroll, Jim Supangkat and Kanaga Sabapathy and talkback with listeners. Radio National A segment on the Religious Program featured interviews by Florence Spurling with artists and experts on religious and spiritual themes and issues. Radio National Arts National interview Radio National The visual arts program Sightings featured the exhibition on numerous occasions, in particular a program after the opening interviewing many artists and participants. Radio National News item Radio Australia Interviews with many of the artists and other regional visitors for a series of segments and programs broadcast in the region. Radio Australia News item ABC FM News item Magazine and Newspaper In the leadup to the exhibition there were a number of articles about the Triennial in