Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1993 : Exhibition report

COMMENTS The First Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art What the critics think: 'Not since the momentus "Balance 1990" exhibition of contemporary Aboriginal art, also at the Queensland Art Gallery, has an Australian gallery exhibited so much curatorial imagination.’ - George Petelin, TheWeekend Australian, 11 September 1993 'Disregarding the portentous name - Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art - this exhibition is set to be a hit. Director Doug Hall and his staff should be declared state treasures.’ - Editorial The Sunday Mail, 19 September 1993 ‘Within the next few years it is set to become at least as important to Australia as the 20- year-old Biennale of Sydney.’ - Felicity Fenner, The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 September 1993 'Those of us who were in Brisbane last week came away feeling that we had been privileged to have been part of a historic cultural event for both Australia and Asia.’ - Redza Piyadasa Malaysian Business Times, 25 September 1993 ‘...they have established something, that I think, is of world significance. While everyone was talking about the Broncos, and the flags were flying for the Broncos, it seemed to me that the traffic was stopped just as much for this cultural event...’ - Leon Paroissien, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney commenting on ABC National Youth Network Triple J, "Lowdown" program on 26 September 1993 'Sydney might have won the rights to the 2000 Olympics, but it is Brisbane which is the talk of the visual arts community.’ - Bronwyn Watson, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 October 1993 The Brisbane Triennial is thus important in providing another opportunity to showcase and place our art in relation to each other...’ - Lida Geh The Star (Malaysia), 10 October 1993 The Triennial is the most important exhibition of recent art to be shown in Australia for a long time.’ - Joanna Mendelssohn, The Bulletin, 12 October 1993 ‘Australians whose business it will be to get along with Asians face-to-face will benefit more from reflecting on the complexities revealed by this art Triennial than they will from