Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1993 : Exhibition report

memorising tourist phrases in Japanese or Bahasa Indonesia.’ - Humphrey McQueen, TheWeekend Australian, 16 October 1993 'In a sense the Triennial further reaffirms the growing commitment of the Australians towards Asia in their attempts to forge new redefinitions and new reappraisals about their place in the new geo-political and economic contexts of present day realities.’ - Redza Piyadasa Malaysian Business Times, 16 October 1993 'As the first of three planned exhibitions, the Triennial explodes the myth of eclecticism in Asian and Pacific art.’ - Sue Anne Wallace, Canberra Sunday Times, 17 October 1993 ‘ ... a world coup in this, the first of three triennial exhibitions...It is.fair to say that the once- languid capital city of tropical Queensland has suddenly become Australia’s hot house of contemporary Asian art appreciation... The Asia-Pacific region owes a debt of gratitude to the Queensland Art Gallery.’ - Alan Goodall The Japan Times (Tokyo), 20 October 1993 ‘People involved in the arts from all over the Asia-Pacific region turned out in force at the opening in September, with a sense that this is a revolutionary cultural event, an initiative of almost Woodstock proportions.’ - Louise Martin-Chew Australian Style No.5 ‘Queensland Art Gallery is bulging at the seams with an extraordinary art event.’ - Neville Weston West Australian, 20 October 1993 ‘Initially conceived in 1991, the highly historic Triennial at Brisbane has already earned the Queensland Art Gallery a new and enviable reputation as a truly innovative art museum within the Asia-Pacific region. Its international reputation has certainly been considerably enhanced by the Triennial exercise - a complex and far-sighted undertaking, to say the least.’ - Redza Piyadasa Malaysian Business Times, 23 October 1993 ‘With the participation of twelve countries and territories, the first Asia-Pacific Triennial held at the Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane, Australia, from September to December 1993, constitutes a remarkable event in the art life of the region.’ - Duong Tuong Vietnam News (Hanoi), 24 October 1993 'The Queensland Art Gallery has put on a courageous exhibition and the first step is always the boldest and most uncertain.’ - Susan Cochrane Art Monthly Australia, November 1993