Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1993 : Exhibition report

OFFICIAL OPENING The Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art 1993 was officially opened at the Queensland Art Gallery on 17 September 1993 by The Premier of Queensland, The Hon. Wayne Goss, MLA. His Excellency, Mr Sabam Pandapotan Siagian, the Ambassador of Indonesia to Australia, who spoke on behalf of Indonesia, was the keynote speaker. He praised the Triennial particularly for its development in cultural relations with Indonesia. Mr Max Bourke spoke on behalf of the Australia Council. Other distinguished guests who attended the opening were Mr Toshio Hara, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Mr David Elliott, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art, Oxford, United Kingdom; Ms Mary Jane Jacob, independent curator, United States of America; Mr Toshihisa Tanaka, Director-General, The Japan Foundation; Dr Sri Hastato, Director, Indonesia College of the Arts Surakarta, Central Java; Ms Jenny Harper, Director, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington; His Excellency, Mr Chang-Bum Lee, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea; Professor Lou Xiayan, Cultural Attache, Embassy of the Republic of China, Canberra; Mr Jin Hailaing, Consulate General, Cultural Consul, Embassy of the Republic of China; Mr Thomas Polume, Consul, Papua New Guinea; Professor Moegiadi, Indonesian Cultural Attache, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia; Mr Paul Everingham, Honorary Consul for Malaysia; Mr Ted Woodfield, High Commissioner, New Zealand; Mr John Bryan, Consul-General for Queensland, New Zealand; Mr Trevor Bryans, Honorary Consul-General for Queensland, The Philippines; Ms Lilia Bayod, Cultural Attach^, Embassy of the Philippines; Mrs Kartika Affandi Koberl, the daughter of the noted Indonesian artist, Affandi; a delegation from the Institut Kesenian Jakarta; and the Central Java Vice Governor,. Soesmono, Mohamad Saleh Tjakraamidjaja, Princess Koes Murtiyah, Princess Koes Isbandiyah, and Prince Soeryo Bandriya. Additionally, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australia-lndonesia Institute, the Australia-lndia Council, the Australia-Korea Foundation, the Australia Council, and the Commonwealth Government, Queensland Government and the Brisbane City Council and commercial sponsors of the exhibition were represented at the official opening. Prior to the exhibition opening The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Senator The Hon. Gareth Evans, attended a special viewing where he met participating artists and discussed their works. Entertainment at the official opening was provided by performers from a variety of Asian and Pacific countries. The opening night entertainment included: the Cultural Association of Filipino Australian Dancers; Besena - Papua New Guinean Dance Group; a didgeridoo player; Indija Manjjoeddin, contemporary Indonesian dancer; Warana Indonesian Dancers, traditional Indonesian dancers; and Brisbane’s Festival Quartet. The Long Brothers, a Chinese acrobatic duo, performed the following day as part of the weekend entertainment. The Filipino artist, Roberto Villanueva, performed ‘Ego’s Grave’ as part of the opening night’s entertainment. The official opening of the Asia-Pacific Triennial was a multicultural event and a memorable occasion for Queensland. It was the commencement of a very interactive program among artists, conference delegates and the wider Australian arts audience. . .