Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1993 : Exhibition report

SPECIAL FUNCTIONS/VISITORS The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Senator The Hon. Gareth Evans, made a special visit to the Gallery on Wednesday 15 September to view the exhibition. Senator Evans toured the exhibition, meeting with artists and discussing their works. The visit by Senator Evans was particularly pertinent given the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s financial contribution that enabled many of the artists to attend the Triennial. Many other distinguished persons made special visits to the Gallery to view the Asia- Pacific Triennial. Visitors included His Excellency Dat6 Zainal Abinin Ibrahim, High Commissioner for Malaysia, and Her Excellency, the Governor of Queensland, Mrs Leneen Forde. The Director of almost every State art gallery in Australia visited the Triennial, as did senior curators from the State Galleries and the National Gallery, and curators from overseas institutions,-such as Gary Dufour, Senior Curator, Vancouver Art Gallery who came to Australia specifically for the exhibition. AFFANDI WORK ON DISPLAY It was a particular pleasure for the Gallery to have on display at the same time as the Triennial a work by the noted Indonesian painter, Affandi. His Excellency, Mr Sabam Pandapotan Siagian, the Ambassador of Indonesia to Australia, unveiled the Affandi work at the media preview. Affandi’s daughter, Kartika Affandi Koberl, was present for the unveiling of her father’s work and she also participated in Asia-Pacific Triennial activities.