Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1993 : Exhibition report

(Location: Stanley Street underpass, beneath the Gallery plaza) 8.45 p.m. Performance: by Roberto Villanueva (the Philippines) Title: Associated with the installation Ego’s grave (Location: Within installation, Gallery 3 Courtyard.) Note: Performance descriptions at conclusion of program Cocktail reception continues in Gallery and Sculpture Courtyard until 10.00 p.m. SATURDAY 18 SEPTEMBER (Location: Auditorium) 9.10-9.30 a.m. Welcome by Mr Richard Austin, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Queensland Art Gallery, and Mr Doug Hall, Director, Queensland Art Gallery Introduction of Conference Convenors: Dr Russell Trood (Director, Centre for the Study of Australia Asia Relations, Griffith University); Dr Caroline Turner (Deputy Director and Manager, International Programs, Queensland Art Gallery) and Conference Organiser Miss Julie Lloyd (Education Officer, Queensland Art Gallery). 9.30-11.00 a.m. Contemporary Art and Cultural Identity, Session 1 Dr Apinan Poshyananda, Associate Dean for Research and Foreign Affairs, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Mr Jim Supangkat, freelance writer and artist, Indonesia. Ms Geeta Kapur, literary and art critic, India CHAIRPERSON: Mr Neil Manton, Cultural Relations Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra 11.00-11.30 a.m. Morning tea 11.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Contemporary Art and Cultural Identity, Session 2 Mr Redza Piyadasa, artist and art critic, Malaysia. Ms Eun-Ju Choi, Curator, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea Mr Timothy Morrell, Curator, Contemporary Australian Art, Queensland Art Gallery. CHAIRPERSON: Professor Nancy Viviani, Dean, Faculty of Asian and International Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane (Note: This session was to have included Professor Young Bang Lim, Director of The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, but due to urgent government business, Professor Lim had to cancel his visit to the Triennial at the last minute. He expresses his sincere regrets at not being able to participate in the conference. Ms Eun-