The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia, 1996 : Report

Ms . Rhana Devenport Seni or Proj ect Off i cer QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY 1 2 December 1 9 9 6 Dear Ms . Rhana Devenport , IB�©�TIW�IID l 7 D EC :c.95 i QUEENSLAND AR"i° GALLERY I great l y apprec i ate for your ki nd i nvi tat i on to the Second As i a­ Paci f i c Tri enni al . I t was great opportuni ty that my connecti on of Austra l i an and As ian Art made extend i ng by the exhi bi t i on and confference . I was very happy to see many i nterest i ng peopl e duri ng my stay i n Austra l i a . Espec i a l y, I was strongly i mpressed women ' s curators l i ke you had done excel l ent work for the exhi b i t i on and hospi tal i ty. I would l i ke to produce art exchange-project between Austra l i a and Japan, al so As i an countr i es . I am feel i ng i t i s my l i fe work and dest­ i ny. I hope your happ i ness and everythi ng i s goi ng wel l for you . Agai n thank you very much for your k i ndness . I enc l ose an art j c l e of me on the " Across The Sea " publ i shed by Japan Cul tural Centre, Sydney ( The Japan Foundati on) i n here . Best wi shes ,