The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia, 1996 : Report

Jos i e Caval laro 38 Samuel Foster Drive South Penrith N . S . W 2750 January 1 6 th 1 9 97 Rhana Devenport Queens l and Art Gal lery P . O Box 3686 South Bri sbane Queens l and 4 1 0 1 Dear Rhana , ffi�©�ffW�rID 2 3 _ 1 1\ M 1997 QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY , As the second As i a-Pac i f i c Tri ennial of Contemporary Art draws to a cl·ose, I woul d l ike to thankyou for enabl ing me to contribute to the event as a volunteer . From th i s experi ence , the infus i on of ideas from di sparate , . cul tural perspectives broadened my scope of understanding and cri tical awareness . I parti cularly enj oyed working intensl ey with Aotearoa/ New Zealand Arti st Bronwynne Corni sh and ass isting gal lery staff with admin i strative duties . I also establ ished friendships , which made the j ourney from Sydney even more worthwhi l e . As an offical record of thi s work experience , I am requesting a reference from the Queens land Art Gal lery . I hope that thi s is possible as it would be most appreci ated . I f necessary, I can be contacted on ( 02 ) 9559 1452 . Thankyou Jos i e Caval l aro �l=· · i� � · ··· · · · · �-- �