The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia, 1996 : Report

P. O. BOX 357 SOUTH BR I SBANE , 4 1 0 1 , QU EENSLAND , AUSTRALIA TELEPHON E (07) 3248 92 0 0 FACS I M I L E (07) 3846 1 450 From tbe Office o f the Principl M .J . EVANS, T.S.T.C., B. Co.Gl.'TI., M.Ed . , Pb.D . . M .A.C.E. -+ November 1 996 \fr D Hall D ire c t o r Q u e en s l and Art Gallery P 0 Box 3 6 8 6 S outh B ri s b ane Q l d 4 1 0 1 Dear Mr Hall Re : Asi a Pacific Triennial A SCH·:.OL OF T�: ?AES8YiE�\i..!#"" ANO MET;.;O!)IST sc;.;ooLS ASSCc:,:::-::::-'1 I wish to commend the Gallery on such a r e s o un d i n g success with the Asia Pacific Triennial. It was a ma j or \ · e n tu r e which brought great enjo}ment to all in Southern Queensl and. Especially, this school was enriched by the opportunity to have in residence for short periods, three artists here for the Triennial. Tom Deko from Papua New Guinea charmed us with his manner and sculpting brilliance; Kamin Lertchaiprasert worked enthusiastically, especially with our younger grades, in pr o du c i n g some excellent coll aborative paintings ; and Francesca Enriquez stimulated art students with slide talks and enjoyable \ Y or k s h o ps . All in all, \\·e were d e l i g h ted by the opp o rtu n i t i e s presented by the A s i a Pacific T r ie nn ial in general, and the Gallery, in p art i c u l ar , to have i n t e rn a t i o nally re co gn i s ed artists w o r kin g in the school. I ''ish to p a s s on our congratulations and a pp r e c i a t ion to you, for your approval of the venture, Ms Rhana Davenport (Senior Pro j ect Officer) and Ms Christine Clark (Proj ect Officer) for their encouragement and liaison skills, and to advise you of the ex c ept i o n a l ly s u pp o rtiv e , e n c o u r a gi ng role taken by this schools Head ofArt, Mr John H o n e y\\i l l . As a c o l l a b o r a t i v e effort it was superb ; showing just one of the nluable 'spin off benefits from hosting a major project such as the As i a Pacific Triennial. With good wishes. Y ou r s sin c e r e l v Dr Murray J E v an s Principal A CENTRE OF QUALITY EDUCATION SERVING THE UNITI NG AN C PRES B� IJRCHFS OF OUE _ ENSLAND. . -