The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia, 1996 : Report

S i nGAPORE AI RL l nES t Ms Caroline T urne r Deputy Director Q u e e n s lan d Art Gallery · PO B o x 3686 South Brisbane Qld, 4 1 0 1 3 0 September 1 9956 illm©�DWiEIID - ,·1 r-. , .... T �ans !.- '.J '.1 : !� '� Dear Caroline, QUEENSLAND A8i GALLERY First of all, thank y o u for in1,iting me to the official opening of the Asia Pacific Triennial o f Contemporary Art 1 996. The last time when I \iewed the exhibits was b e for e all th e works were completely s e m b l e d at the g all e r y . So when I see it during the opening, it was just excellent Also, thanky o u for e s c o rting me and explaining the nuances of the art di.splays during the o pe nin g night albeit o r busy schedule. I >\ill definitely return to >iew the exhibits at a m o r e leisurely pace. I would like to take this opportunity to c o ngratul a t e you and your collea,,aues for p utting the up a fabulous ShO\ from s uc h a d i ve r s e cultural background W hi c h only goes a long Wa)_; to p r o m o t e better understanding of the culture in the A.sia Paci.fie region and al s o the various contemporary issues faced by th e e societies. We are p r o u d to have been given the opportunity to be associated vrith the Art Gallery for this Triennial and o for b e ing able to assist in bringing the works t o g e th e r from various pa.rt of the world. Best regards. Yours sincerely, r. "1 .J 1 J��) .... . Tuia Hui J_ uat Manager Queensland Singapore Airlines Limited ARBN 001 056 1 95, Incorporated in Singapore 3-14 Queen Street, Brisbane, Q uee ns l a nd , 4000 GPO Box 49, Brisbane QLD 4001 DX305 B r i s b a ne Downtown Tdephone: Administration (07) 32590700 Fax: (07) 32590765 Cargo (07) 38604528 Reservations 131011 . -