The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia, 1996 : Report

October 1 6 , 1 996 Mr . Doug Hall Director Queensland Art Gal lery Queensland Cul tural Centre P .O. Box 6 8 6 South Brisbane , Australia Dear Mr. Hall , �•mmr" 1 -6. OHORI PARK, CHUO-KU FUKUOKA CITY. 8 1 0 JAPAN TEL (C92;ii �·5051 FAX 1092)71 4-5;�: " '-1 r. " T 'DO"' ,:" -,- iJ i,, l. · . . -h ,. oU NSLAND ART GALLERY I I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your kind i nv it a ti on and the consideration extended to our curator, M r. Masahiro · Ushiroshoj i for the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial and symp os iu m , as well as for the kind arrangements you made for another c u ra to r, Ms . Toshiko Rawanchaikul who was s en t from our museum. We are not only enlightened by your grand scale of energetic activities , but also quite impre�sed by the Australians' enthusiasm toward contemporary art in Asia and Pacific regional countries . Righ t now, we are preparing for the opening_ of t he Asian Art Gallery (tenta ti ve title) in 1 999 ; t h u s , we would like to enhance what we have learned from visiting your gallery as much as possible. Moreover, we would like to further deepen our relationship in art exchange, as well as human e xch ange , after the opening of t he Asian Art Gallery as we are institutions with the same obj ectives . Thus , we would like to ask for your continued cooperation . Please give our best rega rds to all of your staff members for their kind consideration. Lastly, I wish you a great success for the exhibition., S i nc ere l y , . ./ / '� 7./ "'/ ./7, l . .,. . r //5.. .... . .:;;t r . . · 1 / ' /, v ' v . L-> , . • 4 s u yos hi O bana 1-· Direc tor