The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia, 1996 : Report
. TG4.4 29 October 1 996 . Mr Douglas Hall Queensland Art Gallery Queensland Cultural Centre South Bank Br i s ba ne Australia Tate Gallery Milltank London · SW1P 4RG Tel: 0171- 887 8000 Fax: 0171- 887 8007 .arrange such a warm welcome and such a fine exhibition to greet my arrival -------· y9ti for toieratJng ri1Y rather 1anguid responses rendered through a haze of j et-lag. The APT eXhihition _ijiade._a·rehlj�p_acf�O./�.You_ may have heard, I found myself referripg to it · in glowing terms durj�g-·*1y'lectili�'- ��.� .@.b�qa:H-}t really has set a new benchmark and openeq up new areas ·oferiquicy/Ai I said/.therC.�was nq�g tokenistic about the exhibition and it was the first time tJ:i�t _I ·haye s��Ifa'�ho\Y:Svllic}i:m�agid.Jo include a wide range of art from many . co u? _tries� )vh i�h rpaji_agetffo:do:$(>''With[u(@¥,�sehse of apology or explanation. I looktorward_to !Ii� he�t �!!lh� .. s-eri�sf, Nicholas Scrota ...... Director - (1 C! G • �
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