The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia, 1996 : Report

OPENING EVENTS AND VIP VISITORS Opening events A VIP Pre-Opening Reception was held on Thursday 26 September, 5 .45pm at the Lyrebird Restaurant, Queensland Performing Arts Centre for i nvited guests. The Formal Proceedings of the Official Opening of the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial were held on Thu rsday 26 September, starting at 6pm at the Concert Hall, Queensland Performing Arts Centre. 1 ,776 attended the Official Opening which conti nued at the Queensland Art Gallery with a viewing of the exhibition from 7. 1 Spm to 1 Opm. The formal proceedings were as fol lows: • I ndigenous welcome by Wamal aboriginal dance troupe • Welcome by indigenous elder, Mrs Ruth Hegarty, Gungurri Woman from the Maranoa area • Response by Ms Ni l ima Sheikh , artist from I ndia • Official Speeches: Mr Doug Hal l , Di rector, Queensland Art Gallery Mr Ian Cal l i nan QC, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Queensland Art Gallery The Hon Joan Sheldon MLA, Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for the Arts Mr Kwok Kian Chow, Director, Singapore Art Museum The Hon Rob Borb idge MLA, Premier of Queensland • Performance by Pacific Peoples dance troupe • Guests depart Concert Hall and proceed to Queensland Art Gallery for informal proceedings including performances, an artist performance by Marintan Si rait, and refreshments A Conference Reception (sponsored by Art AsiaPacific) was held for 289 guests on Friday, 27 September, 5 .45pm - 8pm at the Queensland Art Gallery. The Conference Dinner was held on Saturday 28 September, 7pm at the Grand Bal lroom, Brisbane H i lton . An Artists' Party for participating artists, Conference delegates and artists was held on Sunday 29 September, 5.45pm - 8.30pm at the Queensland Art Gallery for 571 guests. 13