The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia, 1996 : Report

comment on contemporary consumerism, particularly in the context of the 1 980s Japanese bubble economy. Mr DOB, a cartoon figure created by Murakami, is the main feature of the three works by the artist in the 1 996 Triennial. A large painting, a huge balloon and an inflatable baseball bat present different aspects of this fictitious personality. Although Mr DOB resembles Mickey Mouse, he is a different character, combining Western and Japanese popular cultures. His facial features are reminiscent of those of the artist who uses this cartoon figure to comment on the current fashion, media and technology-obsessed generation of Japanese. The work The hellish madness of the game has come to an end leaving you hanging is based on a computer game. Murakami, who has a PhD from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and is a master of traditional Japanese Nihonga painting, uses his craftsmanship in combination with popular culture themes to satirically convey his ideas about modem Japanese society. Kimio Tsuchiya was originally trained in architecture and has a Masters degree in sculpture. I n the early 1 990s he began creating highly evocative ash installations, using mostly ashes from burned Japanese houses and addressing issues of rapid and negligent development. Landscape in silence incorporates ash from burned Japanese houses and, as do many of his works, refers to the loss of fundamental values in l ife. The artist's belief in a universal human essence informs his concerns about humankind and cultural heritage at the threshold of the new millennium. I n his statement the artist suggests: Can we create a vision that encompasses all cultures? A vision that transcends race and religion, boundaries and borders, geography and ideology; a vision that ensures that the fast approaching 2 1 st century will be a time of peace and plenty, of hope and happiness for all. Our only hope lies in embracing a new expressiveness. An approach to the arts that ignores conventional borders. 6