Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

ELISION Contemporary Music Ensemble in col laborations with Heri DONO and Judith WRIGHT Sonorous Bodies 8-1 4 September, 1 2 noon and 4pm Video installation-performance by Jud ith Wright, Liza Lim and Satsuki Odamura Brisbane City Gal lery Transmisi 1 0, 1 1 , 1 4, 1 5 September, 8pm Installation performance with l ive electron ics by Heri Dono, Richard Barrett and ELISION Brisbane Inferno 1 9 September t999, 8pm Concert performance, conductor Carl Rosman , soprano Deborah Kayser, with new works by Liza L im, Chaya Czernowin and John Rodgers Old Queensland Museum Building Simryn GILL Vegetation 1 999 b&w photographs 1 00cm x 85cm (each , approx.) Courtesy: Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Australia Durriya KAZI & David ALESWORTH Very very sweet medina (Home sweet home) 1 999 Installation comprising g litter perspex, wheels, speakers, tube l ights , fairy l ights, stickers, folders , paper Dimensions variable Collection : The artist Surasi KUSOLWONG Ruen pae (During the moments of the day - Have a nice day Brisbane) 1999-2000 Installation comprising m ixed media Dimensions variable Collection : The artist LEE M ingwei Writing the unspoken 1 999 Instal lation comprising wood , steel , l ight fittings, glass, writing paper & implements , envelopes, cush ion Dimensions variable, components : 3 structures: 290 x 1 70 x 231 cm (each ) Col lection : The artist Lan i MAESTRO a book thick of ocean 1 993 Installation comprising bound book (duo-tone reproduction), case, oak table Book: 48.3 x 6 1 x 3 . 8cm Table: 78 .7 x 1 82 . 9 x 9 1 .4cm Collection : The artist Tatsuo M IYAJ IMA Running time 1 994-99 Installation comprising battery powered U-cars mounted with LED counters, viewing room 30 U-cars : 1 9 x 1 2 x 9cm (each) Collection : The artist, courtesy Yoshiko lsshiki, Japan 1 07