Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Vong PHAOPHAN IT Untitled 1995-99 1 995-99 Neon tubes, transformers 590 x 50 x 590cm Collection : The artist, courtesy Stephen Friedman Gallery, UK John Frank SABADO Pre-Spanish era I 1 998 Mixed media including handmade paper, pen and ink, mother of pearl shel ls, bronze figurines, silver figurines, textile and beads 244 x 1 83cm Collection : Hiraya Gallery, the Philippines Shamanicjourney 1 994 M ixed media 1 50 x 270cm Collection : Boy Yuchengco, the Phil ippines Shahzia SIKANDER Buoyant fragmentation 1 999 Ink, gouache, synthetic polymer paint on tissue D imensions variable Collection : The artist Cycles and transitions 1 995 Vegetable colour, d ry pigment, tea wash on hand-prepared wasli paper 9 x 1 6" (approx.) Collection : Dr Alton Steiner & Mrs Emily Steiner, USA A kind of slight and pleasing dislocation #2 1 997 Vegetable colour, d ry p igment, tea wash on hand-prepared wasl i paper 1 5 x 1 3" (approx . ) Col lection : Ms Annie Philbin, USA Untitled 1 993-95 Vegetable colour, d ry pigment, tea wash on hand-prepared wasli paper 1 1 3/8 x 8 1 /8" (approx . ) Col lection : Ms Meg Savage, USA Untitled 1 993-95 Vegetable colour, dry pigment, tea wash on hand-prepared wasl i paper 1 1 3/8 x 8 1 /8" (approx.) Collection : Ms Meg Savage, USA SONABAI Untitled 1 999 Instal lation comprising coconut fibre, clay, pigment (poster colours), synthetic adhes ive glue Dimensions variable Collection : The artist 1 08