Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Ting Ting Hook Tortoise zone 1 998 http://westwood html This work invokes a slightly hallucinatory mode as the viewers' impressions of a d isembodied virtual place impinge on their encounter with an analogous physical site. The d ifferences between the outdoor site and the online one i ncrease with time, as the tropical climate rapidly takes its toll . Documentation of the real site was uploaded to the web site a s the event progressed . Sharkawi Che Din Metamorphosis 1 997 http:// www ia/mv movies/timepassage 1 .mov This short piece of computer animation presents an awe-inspiring moment of transformation for close interactive scrutiny. Although the viewer is empowered to replay the animation indefinitely and to examine it frame by frame, the evocative sepia tones and suddenly surreal d rama of the piece retain their enchantment. Sejarah Melayu Prasembah 2000 - An Anto/ogi la! 1 999 html Del ivered in a combination of erud ite and colloquial Bahasa Melayu , this piece d raws from the artists to address contemporary culture and politics in a veiled yet critical, abrasive, even cyn ical mode - radical content wel l suited t o t he independence of I nternet publ ishing. Hasnu l Jamal Saidon & N i ranjan Rajah E-ARTASEAN ON-LINE 1 999 http://start.cgirealm .com/seart This is is an online, interactive database, journal , forum and art space for electron ic art in Southeast Asia. Virtual Triennial On-line For further works included in the Virtual Trienn ial Onl ine, presented i n partnership with MAAP99 (Multimedia Art Asia Pacific), visit <http:// www .apt3 .net>. 1 1 2