Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

SCREEN CULTURE: SCREENI NGS Launch - Dendy C i nema Bloom Dir: Joyce Cambell , SVHS Heaven Dir: Tracey Moffatt, VHS, c 1 997 DELF Dir: James Cunningham , 35mm, 1 997 Playing Possum Dir: Peter Salmon , 35m.m Flora 35 mm Artificial Life Metropolis: Cell 35 mm Dir:Yoich iro Kawaguch i Q3 Dir: Feng Mengbo DV cam Screenings - QAG Lecture Theatre 5 : 00 m ins 28:00 m ins 5:20 mins 7 : 00 m ins 5:00 m ins 5.00 m ins 30:00 m ins Out of the Shadows: The First Asia-Pacific Triennial of ContemporaryArt Anemone, One Minute Video festival, Strange Stories, Malaysian Video Awards Like Rubies in the King 's Crown D . art 99 Sick and Dizzy Renzo Kinoshita Retrospective Renzo Kinoshita Retrospective Renzo Kinoshita Retrospective, Animated: A history ofAustralian Animation Art Rage 99 Human Face of the Pacific Century of Cinema Films by Tracey Moffatt A sense of place: short films from New Zealand Memory and Desire Babakiueria An Eccentric Orbit Pt 1 An Eccentric orbit Pt 2 & 3 1 1 3