Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

CURATORS CURATORIAL BRIDGI NG COMMITTEE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY STAFF Doug Hall Dr Caroline Turner Rhana Devenport Dr Michael Brand Ju l ie Ewington Margo Neale Anne Kirker Suhanya Raffel EXTERNAL MEMBERS Al ison Carroll Professor David Will iams Claire Roberts Professor Ian Howard Neil Manton (ASIAL I NK, University of Melbourne) (Canberra School of Art, Austral ian National Un iversity) (Powerhouse: Museum of App l ied Arts and Sciences) (College of Fine Arts, Un iversity of New South Wales) (I ndependent Adviser, Canberra) QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY ADVISORY STAFF Andrew Clark Andrew Dudley (Queensland Art Gallery) Exhibitions Advice (Queensland Art Gallery) Registrations Advice 1 1 6