Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

AUDIENCE NUMBERS PER MONTH THROUGHOUT EXHI BITION (SEPTEMBER 1 999 - JANUARY 2000) ' 37002 36526 40000 35000 30926 30000 25603 � Q) .c 25000 E ::J c: Q) 20000 CJ c: ea 'O c: Q) � 1 0000 September October Nm.ember December January Total number of people attending APT3 throughout its duration: 1 52, 1 37 These results indicate that attendance to the Asia-Pacific Triennial was extremely high during the first two months of it opening. The number of visitors decreased slightly over November and December, however attendance increased for the final month of the show in the rush to see the exhibition before it ended.