Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

VIRTUAL VISITORS : WEBSITE STATISTICS SUMMARY OF APT3 WEBSITE USAGE STATISTICS The total number of hits on the site (ie. individual transactions between web browser and host site) was 1 , 31 7, 953. The total number of user sessions accessing the APT3 Website from June 1 999 until the end of January 2000 was 20 , 942. This is an unusually high ratio of hits per user session (62 . 9), and indicates that users accessing the site explored the content in considerable depth, before leaving the site. MONTHLY BREAKDOWN : JUNE 1 999- JANUARY 2000 Month June 99 Ju ly 99 Aug . ust 99 September 99 October 99 November 99 December 99 January 00 Monthly Average (June - Dec 1 999) Total ( 1 June - 31 J;:iny�ry 00) H its Sessions - · - ---- - - - - --·----- - - -··- ' 6 1 , 947 970 89 , 988 _1-i§_�---- 1- ·------ -- i 1 54, 454 2 , 4 7 2 - �1§ , 09 � --- ·---------·--·-·- �.1_ 28 7 --- --- 1 287, 2 1 4 3 , 923 _1 99 ,].§� -----·- --- --- ,__ 3 , 4 4§_ _ ------· i 93,420 1 , 954 1 1 �.Q� 9 _ _ ?. ?_Q9 -- 1 64,744 1 ·· 1 ,31 7,953 I 2,6 1 8 20,942 Note: an individual "session" describes the entire period from the time the visitor enters the site to when they leave. This is a more accurate indication of overall usage than "hits" , where every transaction (click) on the site is counted. The above table excludes April and May 1 999 from the statistics, as the site did not go " live" to the public until June 1 999. A graph showing the total number of sessions recorded on the site since April 1 999 is displayed below. Only Queensland Art Gallery and QANTM staff were able to access the site during April and May 1 999. Below is a bar graph showing the distribution of activity on the site since it was activated in May 1 999. 365 Day History 3200001------------- 256000 192000 128000 ---------- 64000 0......,__m..,...,..,...,.,.-.-.-.-fllf...,.. Mar Apr Ma� Jun Jui Aug Sep Oct Noy Dec Jan Feb 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000