Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

FULL STATISTICS TEACHERS' PREVIEW Attendance at Teachers' Preview: A Teachers' Preview was held on 4 September. The number of teacher enquiries relating to the exh ibition has been extremely high. EDUCATION KIT Total Education Kits distributed : The APT Education Resource Kit was d istributed to every school i n Queensland - State, Private and Catholic. Number of Education Kits d istributed to schools: Number of Education Kits sold through Gallery Store: + Ongoing d istribution on request to Un iversities, Education Departments etc. FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH LECTU R ES Total attendance at Wednesday lectures: October Overview of the APT - Rhana Devenport Attendance : November 3 Focus on the Works of South East Asia from the APT - Suhanya Raffel 42 1 ,854 1 ,735 1 1 9 21 1 75 Attendance : 65 December 1 I ndigenous Art from the APT by Margo Neale. Attendance: 7 1 KIDS' APT Total Kids' apt activity booklets distributed : Kids' apt booklets d istributed free to ch ildren Kids' apt activity booklets sold through Gallery Store 1 0,640 9,982 658 9.3% of visitors to APT3 nominated Kids' apt activities as the purpose of their visit. Kids' apt was nominated as one of the top four most appealing elements of APT3 . 1 00% of respondents considered the provision of kids' apt a good idea. 32% of visitors participated in kids' apt, of these, 1 00% enjoyed the activities . (Spot survey analysis Oct 99) APT LOUNGE 40,040 people have used t he APT Lounge over the period o f t he exhibition, an average of 1 0,01 0 per month 31 Volunteer Lounge assistants attended a training session and assisted visitors in the APT lounge. 30.8% of visitors surveyed made use of the APT Lounge. 66.6% enjoyed the experience. (Spot survey analysis Oct 99). 1 33