Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

VOLUNTEER GU IDES Total people gu ided : 1 ,363 Total public tours : 262 Number of Volunteer Gu ide training sessions : 9 Schedu led Public Tours : Vol unteer Gu ides took tours of the APT a t 2pm each weekday for the du ration of the exhibition . Guides also took APT tours a t 3pm each Saturday and Sunday. The add itional scheduled public tou rs at 1 pm Sunday to Friday and 2pm Saturday were also often focussed on APT. Weekday tours at 2pm Weekend tours at 3pm Add itional scheduled tours ( 1 pm Sun-Fri & 2pm Sat) Lecture & Training Schedule: . 97 40 1 25 Vol unteer Gu ides undertook training for APT during July, August and September 1 999 I ntroduction to the APT by Michael Beckmann 3 1 July & 2 August 28 & 30 August 4 September 1 1 & 1 3 September 25 & 27 September All day session overview of APT by Regional Curators Cultural Diversity/Cu ltural Difference by guest speaker Kids' APT walkthrough with Michael Beckmann Beyond the Future, Bronwyn Mahoney on the Virtual Triennial TOUR BOOKINGS Total School Group Bookings: Gu ided School Groups: (79 Regional) Ungu ided School Groups: (48 Regional) Total Students: Guided Students: Ungu ided Students: Total Adult Group Bookings: Guided Adult Groups ( 1 0 Regional): Unguided Adult Groups (2 Regional) : Total Adu lts: Guided Adu lts: Ungu ided Adu lts: APT3 TOURS BY EDUCATION OFFICERS Total tours by Education Officers: Michael Beckmann , Acting Head , Access, Edu, & Regional Services Robyn Daw, Education OfficerNolunteer Gu ide Lecturer David Burnett, Education Officer Lyn Streader, Temporary Education Officer Julie Walsh , Project Officer, Education 309 1 89 1 20 1 2,51 5 7 4 1 0 5 1 05 47 40 7 1 ,1 52 976 1 76 96 39 28 1 7 1 0 2 1 34